Mithross - Nickleback shirts and smut

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This is a continuation of my chapter "Mithross hahaha I have a problem please send help". It was the 5th chapter I ever posted on this series of oneshots. One in which Ross steals Max's Nickleback shirt and wears it to work. Even though Max loves the shirt, he gives it to Ross because he loves Ross more than the shirt. So this is a chapter where Max gets turned on by Ross wearing his clothes and fucks him in front of a mirror. Isn't that nice?


"God, it's freezing!" Ross complained as he rushed through the open door into their apartment. It had been raining pretty hard outside, it rained a lot in Washington. Even being from New York, Ross was still cold. Now both Ross and Max were shivering, irritated, and soaked from head to foot.

"Well go change if you're so fucking cold!" Max snapped at his boyfriend.

"I ran out of clean clothes!" Ross shouted in response.

"What?! Didn't Tim do the laundry a couple of days ago?!"

"He didn't do mine because he was mad at me." Ross explained sheepishly.

Max sighed and shook his head.

"Fine, fine. You can borrow some of my clothes." Max said grudgingly.

"Thanks!" Ross said, giving Max a quick kiss on the cheek. Max turned his head away so Ross wouldn't see him blushing over the simple gesture.

Their feet thundered with the rain as they ran up the stairs, eager to change into warm, dry clothes and jump into bed.

"Here, take this." Max said, throwing a plain black t shirt and pair of boxers at his friend, who took them gratefully. Ross stepped into the bathroom to change. In the meantime, Max himself slipped into his Sans shirt and his favorite pair of flannel pajama pants.

The click of the bathroom door told Max that Ross had emerged. He turned to see Ross standing in his clothes. He looked like the same old Ross in different clothes. There was nothing special about some boxers and a t shirt. So then why did Max feel so weird when he saw Ross standing there in his clothes? A spark of heat that spread like wildfire and burned him from the inside out. A blush arose of his face and suddenly his clothes seemed too small. The very room around him felt too small. Max gave a small, nervous cough.

"What?" Ross asked, confused at the sudden change in behavior.

"Nothing, nothing." Max choked. Even his throat was tight and dry now, constricting him from speaking easily. His voice cracked when he spoke. Every cell in his body screamed for Ross. To touch, to taste, to smell, to claim. Max wanted nothing more in that moment than to reach out and pull Ross into his arms. To pull him into his bed. Or maybe... Maybe Max had a better idea.

"Seriously, Max. What's up? You're acting really weird." Ross said, voice full of concern. Max didn't reply. Instead he lunged upon his friend, latching his lips to Ross' and pressing their bodies together. Ross' eyes blew wide in shock. But that shock soon melted away as Max ground their hips against each other. All doubts melted away, Ross moaned and grabbed onto Max's beautiful red hair. Desperate and needy sounds filled the room and escaped the confines of the thin walls. Slipping under the crack of the door and out the window of their apartment. Tim shifted uncomfortably in the other room.

"Ah, Max." Ross gasped when they pulled away for air. "What's up with you, man?"

"You look really hot in those clothes." Max growled, his voice rough and broken. He sounded like a predator about to devour their prey. It was unbelievably sexy to Ross.

Without warning, Max pulled Ross away from the wall where he had previously been pinned. Ross thought that he was going to be thrown down on the bed. But he was wrong. Max yanked him over to the full length mirror on the opposite wall and forced him to look at himself in the mirror. He hastily pulled Ross' hard on out of the front of Max's boxers and began to rub him in long, slow strokes.

"Look at yourself." Max demanded. "Look at how fucking beautiful you are. You're so god damn sexy, fuck."

Ross was hardly able to contain himself. He threw his head back to rest on Max's shoulder, moaning loudly. "Max, I can't. I want you."

"Don't worry baby, Daddy's going to take care of you." Max promised, dropping his pants to pool around his ankles.

"Huuuuuurry." Ross whined impatiently.

"Shhhh." Max shushed him, laying his hand trail down to stretch his lover open. "Good things come to those who wait, my love."

Ross waited, but not patiently. And not for long. As soon as he felt his lover's thick fingers dip into his entrance his entire body seemed lock up and go under. He was no longer in control of himself. Body, mind, or actions. Ross began mindlessly bucking back on the fingers behind him. Babbling incoherently.

"MAX!" He screamed, desperate at that point. Max knew that Ross wouldn't last much longer at this point, neither would he, for that matter. Either he fucked him now or never.

So he pulled down the boxers around Ross' waist and thrusted into him.

"GOD!" Ross shouted, hands scrambling for purchase on anything he could reach, which happened to he the mirror in front of him. He slammed his hands on either side of the mirror, leaning forward, panting and flushed.

"That's it." Max cooed, pulling him back against his chest so he could see himself in the fullest view. "Look at yourself. God you're beautiful like this. Look at the way my cock disappears inside of you."

He slowed the movements of his hips for emphasis, hooking his arms underneath Ross' legs and pulling them up to give them a better view. Ross groaned as he watched his boyfriend slowly sink inside of him. The way he stretched around him. This was so fucking hot.

"Huh, ah, Max... Ah." Ross panted, trying to push his hips down to meet Max's thrusts. But the way Max held his legs prevented him from doing so. "Ah, uh... Please!" He whimpered.

"Soon baby." Max whispered, kissing his cheek. "Come on, baby. Come for me."

With those words, Ross came. Just for Max. It was powerful and hot and overwhelming and sexy. The best sex Ross had ever had in his life.

They collapsed to the floor together. Not even bothering to make it to the bed. Just simply lying together and catching their breath. After a while, Ross spoke up.

"Well." He said, breaking the silence. "Good news is, I'm not cold anymore."


It's been a while, my dear friends. I'm so glad to be back. I'm probably still not going to be doing daily updates but I promise I'll be more regular now that school is out.

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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