MithRoss - Forgiveness

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Hello my fellow nerds. A lot of you have been waiting for this for a long time. This is the fic where I break the stereotype where it's always Max's fault in the arguments. This time, Ross gets a bit of the blame. I hope it's everything you've been dreaming of.
The atmosphere in the offices had been very tense as of late. For the past week or so, Max and Ross had been very cold towards each other. The other men weren't used to this, Max and Ross were like brothers, and after they started dating, they had become even more inseparable than ever before. But now they were distant and aloof towards each other. Hardly speaking, avoiding eye contact, and using cold body language and words towards each other. They all knew something was wrong, but none of them interfered. It wasn't their place. They would just have to get through this conflict on their own.

Max wiped away his tears, focusing his attention back on the video he was editing. Lately, Ross had been very distant. It broke his heart to be so far away from the man he loved all the time. He had been spending a lot of time with Adam. Playing video games, eating lunch, talking, hugging, even watching anime with him. This wouldn't have bothered Max, he wasn't clingy of jealous. But Ross had been spending all of his time with Adam. Never leaving any time for Max. Watching anime was their special thing. It made Max feel neglected and unwanted. He cried every night since the confrontation where he had told Ross he was ignoring him and accused him of cheating. Maybe Max had been harsh, but he was upset.

From his studio, Ross heard someone crying. Of course, Ross was a kind person, naturally he wanted to help whoever was crying. With a heavy sigh, he stood from his chair and headed towards the door, following the sound of the sniffling.

The source turned out to be Max. It made Ross angry to see his best friend and lover crying. Who had hurt him?! They were going to pay for what they did to his sweet Maxy!

"Hey, babe, what's wrong?" Ross asked, his voice full of concern. Max finally realized Ross' presence and immediately turned away, trying to avoid his gaze.

"Nothing. Go away." Max said.

Ross was taken aback. "Don't do that. I know something's wrong. Come on, tell me."

Max sniffed, a fresh wave of tears running down his face. "You've been spending all of your time with Adam, and I just feel like you don't want to be around me anymore."

A wave of guilt washed over Ross. He wrapped his arms around Max's shoulders and kissed the top of his soft red hair.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. "I didn't mean to neglect you. You're right. I haven't been treating you right. I should be spending more time with my boyfriend. Not running off to see other people all the time."

Max shook with the force of his sobs, letting all of the hurt he had felt over the past week out into Ross' arms. Letting go of all the pain. Ross held him, comforted him, kissed and held him as he cried. "I'm sorry." He said. "I'll never forget to spend time with you again."

Slowly, the tears went away, until Max was left limp and exhausted in his lover's arms. All he wanted to do was close his heavy eyes and sleep. It was getting increasingly harder to keep his eyes open. Finally, Ross kissed him. Right on the lips. A kiss full of sorrow and guilt and love.

"Will you forgive me?" He asked.

Max nodded. "Only if you cuddle me good." He grumbled, and finally let his eyes droop shut and sleep wash over him.
Short and sweet. I'm not sure if I should have made this longer, but to be honest I had no ideas.

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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