MithRoss - The Red Sun sends its love

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WARNING: this story includes content of a graphically violent nature. Do not read if you are easily and/or can be triggered by such content.


Includes insanity, sociopathic and psychopathic behavior, adult language, demonic nature, torture, blood, gore, major character death, non consensual relationships, graphic descriptions of violence, suicide, depression, possession, kidnapping, jealousy, abusive behavior, trypophobia triggering scenes

Seriously, this is one of the more violent ones I've wrote and it's only going to get bloodier. Don't read it if you can't handle it. Stay safe, be cool.

Chapter 1 - The Rising of the Red Sun
Max's POV

I awoke to the sound of screaming in the distance. It was piercingly loud, giving me a throbbing headache. My stomach churned with unease. Why would someone be screaming? Surely, it only bode bad things. Hesitantly, I opened my eyes.

As I had feared, I was in a grim situation. A jail cell to be exact. Concrete walls with questionable dark stains on it and all. Even chains and flickering lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling. I was strapped to a bed with tight leather straps that didn't even stretch when I struggled. There was no way I could escape. Fearfully, I lay there, looking around my room and listening to the screams echoing down the hallways. I had no other choice. Even my head had been forced to stay in place. The echoes were quite loud. This place must be huge! My heart sank even deeper in my chest.

The screaming stopped abruptly, which just terrified me even more. Without the sound, my ears were left ringing from the silence, and I almost wished whoever it was had kept on yelling. After a long pause, footsteps followed the end of the awful screaming. Slow, leisurely footsteps. Like they had all the time in the world.

To my horror, I realized that they were getting closer. Getting louder. The only thing I could do was whimper and pray that whoever it was, they weren't coming for me.

No luck.

The heavy iron door clicked and squealed as something slid back and unlocked the door. It swung open as if the thick iron and steel weighed nothing. Hinges whined in protest as they let the weight they held swing about. Finally, it slammed back against the concrete wall behind it and revealed my captor. My breath was lost in an instant and my heart broke.

"Ross?" I ground out, my voice cracking. My throat was so dry. So dry it hurt to breathe.

"Oh!" He said, face lighting up with excitement. "You're awake! How are you, Darling?"

I couldn't find the strength to speak. This wasn't Ross. Not the Ross I knew. Ross was kind, caring, funny, a bit crazy, but not like this! Nothing like this! He loved his friends. This imposter didn't even sound like my Ross. The low, monotone, calm clearness I had grown to love so much was gone; replaced by a happy, energetic, unsettling voice that sounded friendly, but unsettling somehow. Where was my Ross?! What had this monster done with my best friend?!

"Are you comfortable? Are you hungry? How are you feeling?" Ross shot out questions like bullets, one after another. He was speaking too fast for even me to understand.

"Why are you doing this?" I managed to wheeze out.

The smile on Ross' face fell. "What do you mean?"

I coughed violently, my lungs rattling with the effort as they heaved in dry air and exhaled blood. "Please." I strained. "Please, let me go."

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