Redney - Words Will Never Hurt Me Again

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People always made fun of Barney. Because of his grades, his clothes, his accent, whatever. They just found him to be an easy target. When he was in high school, he remembers how the boys constantly made fun of him because of his romantic ideas. Barney didn't want to go out and get "bitches." He wanted to find someone who loved him and buy a house together. A house that smelled like apple pie and sweaty shoes and air freshener. He wanted to sit by the fire with his spouse and his children and have them yell at him for burning the god damn turkey again. He wanted true love. In the eyes of his peers, that made him a weak little fag.

Red was constantly tormented in school. He liked Pokémon and didn't want to play football. He didn't listen to the right music or wear the right clothes or have the right hair color. His acne didn't do much for him either. Red supposed he was just an easy target for them. But that doesn't mean that he could forgive them for all the years of bullying and hate they gave him.

If there's anything we all have in common, it's an experience with bullies. Kids suck. There are the nice ones, but there's so many more assholes than there are decent people. People who like to make themselves feel better by making someone else feel worse. It wasn't fair. But life isn't fair. Everyone knows what it's like to be made fun of. Especially Red and Barney.

But they found each other. Two weird, awesome guys. Hardworking, loyal, funny, outgoing, loud. They were perfect for each other. And they both knew what being made fun of was like. They were both weird. There wasn't anything they couldn't do.

Slowly, Red gained more self esteem, Barney more confidence. They worked together. Found something in each other. Someone to rely on. To trust and care for. They began to realize how wrong their tormentors had been about people like them and see the good in themselves. As cliché as it may sound, they saved each other. Together they learned a valuable lesson. A lesson we all need to learn at some point in our lives.

Not to let what others think get to them. They learned to love themselves. To love one another. See the good in life and the good in others. They built their confidence in themselves and each other. Words will never hurt them again.
This was way too short, but I'm having writers block and I'm really lazy. Help.

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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