Adam x Preston - White Couches

475 11 15

Me: *shudders with how much I love writing fanfiction*
Technically, Adam owns the company. So why don't I write more about him?
I'm going to.


Adam sighed, leaning into Preston's shoulder. It was half past noon. He and Preston did this quite often. They liked to cuddle on the squishy white couches. Adam had noticed that Preston spent a lot of time on the couches. Preston told him that it was because Adam used to own them. They smelled like him. 

Nobody in the offices questioned Adam's relationship with Preston anymore. They all knew the nature of the men's relationship. Especially whenever they walked past them kissing on the couches. Adam couldn't help himself. The softness of Preston's lips, the scruff of his beard... It was addicting to him. Preston would pull Adam close and breach his mouth with his tongue and Adam would just melt

Adam's favorite part of their relationship was the petting. Adam would rub circles into Preston's bicep while Preston ran his hands through Adam's curls. Preston would rest his hands on Adam's love handles and kiss a line across his throat. It was one of their intimate activities that made their relationship so magical. It's why Adam never got bored. Preston's kisses never failed to drag a shiver down his spine. 

Preston pulled Adam closer, lifting Adam's ass from the couch and onto his lap. "Whatcha thinkin' about?" He asked.

"You." Adam answered honestly.

"Oh?" Preston sighed while nuzzling his face into Adam's hair. "What about me?"

Adam didn't answer at first. He didn't even register the question. He just tipped his head back to press against Preston's face. Preston had to nudge Adam and ask again to get an answer.

"Just how nice it is to be in a relationship with you." He said. "And how damn comfy your lap is."

Preston chuckled. It made his chest vibrate in a way that felt pleasant to Adam. The husky sound of it gave Adam a surge of affection that felt a little like a punch in the gut. 

"Ugh." Preston groaned. "Whatever did I do to deserve you?"

"I don't know." Adam mumbled. "Something great."

Another laugh. Adam noted how great Preston's voice was. The slight southern twang, the deep growl every "R" had, the way he pronounced every "E" like an "ah" and softly dropped every "L." Another reason why Adam loved him so much. 

"I feel like I oughta kiss you." Preston said.

"Yes please." Adam sighed, leaning in to meet Preston halfway. Preston tasted like the triple chocolate mocha he had from the coffee cups earlier. Adam liked it. He probed his tongue deeper, looking for the bump of the scar from a dental surgery Preston had as a kid. Licking that scar never failed to get a moan out of Preston. Adam swallowed every sound happily.

Preston smiled against Adam's mouth and traced his fingers over the stretch marks on Adam's waist. He loved Adam's stretch marks. Most people, including Adam, hated stretch marks. But Preston loved them. At least, he loved the ones on Adam. They reminded him of lightning and the smell of rain. The bumps and ridges of the marks felt great under Preston's fingers. 

Adam pulled away for a breath and kissed the corner of his lover's mouth. He collapsed onto Preston's chest and reached up to curl the strands of Preston's beard around his fingers. 

"I love you, you know that right?" Adam asked. 

"I know." Preston said. "You tell me every day."

"Yeah I do." Adam said proudly. "I never want you to forget."

Preston hummed happily and squeezed Adam tighter. "Luckily, the feeling is mutual." 

Adam smiled. "Good."

They spent the rest of their lunch hour on the couch. Their couch.


I feel like we all need some sweet fluff sometimes. I certainly needed this today.

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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