Mercy - MithRoss

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Mercy Tiffany Botsford. That was the name of Max's little girl.

Max loved kids. They were adorable little miracles and no matter how tough he tried to act, it was evident that his life lit up when he saw children. No matter how angry Max was, whenever he saw his daughter, his face just lit up and he couldn't stop smiling.

"Mercy, you be good at school, okay honey?" Max said in a firm but loving tone as he ran the hairbrush through her glossy black hair. "Okay, daddy!" Mercy chirped. School was going well for Mercy so far. It was hard to tell if she would continue to love class so much, since the girl was so young, but both Ross and Max had hope for their daughter.

They had adopted her, of course. She looked nothing like them either. She was Hispanic, with caramel skin and big brown eyes and the most beautiful black hair anyone at Sky Media had ever seen. She was best friends with Mason, who was only a year older than her. She loved purple things, exploring the outdoors, taking chances, and reading. It actually took was too much effort to tear the kid away from a book once she got her hands on it. She had just started Kindergarten, for Christ's sake! Mercy wasn't even supposed to know how to read. Not that either father minded much. Reading was great.

"Princess, come eat your pancakes before they get cold!" Ross said from the kitchen as he slid out 4 fresh buttermilk pancakes from the frying pan. Mercy eagerly bounced over to take her seat at the counter and began gobbling down pancakes like a starved wolf. While she was distracted with her breakfast, Ross slipped a less-than-PG kiss to his husband, keeping his moans down to avoid catching their curious daughter's attention.

Ross pulled away with a wink just as Mercy was inhaling the last bits of her pancakes. With a smile that flashed the gaps in her baby teeth, Mercy hopped down energetically from her stool. "Ready to go!" She exclaimed, hopping to the doorway. With a smile, Ross helped her put on her boots while Max zipped up her jacket. Ross handed her her lunch box while Max helped her heave on her Hello Kitty backpack.

"Bye bye house!" Mercy said with a wave as the family drove away from their apartment. Tim smiled at Max as they turned the corner. Their roommate had not moved out when Mercy arrived. Instead, he stayed and helped to raise her. Tim was like an uncle to her, and Tim thought of her as his own child.

Down the road on their way to drop of Mercy, Ross and Mercy played games in the back seat. They usually played Ispy or an Alphabet game while they rode in the car, no matter where they were going. It was cute. Max found it hard to imagine life without each morning filled with the sound of his true love and daughters voice from the backseat as they drove down the roads of the peaceful town in Washington they lived in.

"Goodbye, sweetie! Have a great day at school! Say hi to Mason for me!" Tim said as Mercy got out of the car.

"Don't worry, I won't!" She assured him before running off to greet her friend, Mason Dahlberg. With a smile, Tim drove away, heading for the offices.

At work, it was as normal as normal gets at Sky Media. Barney was being loud, Adam was screaming, Red was wearing his gnome hat and hanging over everyone's shoulder while they worked, asking unnecessary questions and talking in weird voices. The editors were done with everyone's shit and Jake was in the office wizard's cove. It had been the same for a few years now, but Max never got bored. It was impossible to be bored. He was with great friends with impossibly loud voices doing what he loved and getting fucking paid. What would be boring about that?

Honestly, Max had to say if there was a happily ever after in this bullshit fairy tale he called his life, he would guess that this would be it.
Well this is a shitty one! Seriously, how do you guys put up with this shit?

Again, thank you so much for reading all my crappy stories. If you want more, make sure to leave a comment suggesting an idea or a ship you want me to do and I will definitely do it.

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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