MithRoss - The Red Sun sends its love

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WARNING: this story includes content of a graphically violent nature. Do not read if you are easily and/or can be triggered by such content.


Includes insanity, sociopathic and psychopathic behavior, adult language, demonic nature, torture, blood, gore, major character death, non consensual relationships, graphic descriptions of violence, suicide, depression, possession, kidnapping, jealousy, abusive behavior, trypophobia triggering scenes

Third chapter, this stuff is getting dark. As always, heed my warnings, I give PLENTY of them. Do not read any of this if you aren't ready. This is gonna get weird.

Chapter 3: Goodbye, Young One
Shelby's POV

My heart pounded as Ross dragged me out of my cell by my fragile hair, which tore more under his rough touch. "Come on!" He ordered harshly. "It's been a week since Max has seen you guys, he's got to have time with his friends! If it's only his boyfriend around him all the time, he's going to feel smothered! I'm a good boyfriend."

Ross moved us all out into the hallway and stacked up into piles of victims. Except for Audrice, who had to sit separately.

Okward was barely hanging on these days. Yesterday, Ross had gotten a bit rough with him. One of his remaining legs had been torn away from the mutilated knee socket. He wasn't even responding anymore. To talking, to pain, to food, anything. Audrice just stared off into the distance and muttered things nobody could understand and screamed at random. It was terrifying. He had been so strong. But in the end, he was lost.

Shelby grasped my hand as best she could around the rope that tied her together. Honestly, it wasn't as if I was numb to pain anymore, it's just that I had forgotten what is was like to not be in pain. Things were easier, barely. The conditions were still unlivable and everything smelled putrid, but it was comforting any chance I got to hold Shelby's hand. My heart was heavier than anything else. Poor Audrice, poor Shelby, poor Jin. The sparkle had left Jin's beautiful brown eyes. Now they were empty and cold and sad. They were lost of hope.

As was I.

Finally, we arrived at Max's room. Though he had not been through the torture we had gone through, it was clear the imprisonment, despite special treatment, was taking its toll on him. Max's red hair had lost its shine. Skin sallow and sickly, he had lost weight too, just like the rest of us. The scars were still there with him, just mental rather than physical. Honestly, although I knew the torture of Ross' wrath, I feel as though it's been the most painful for Max out of all of us.

He loved Ross. With all of his heart. It wasn't hard to see. He still did love Ross, despite all that he's done. I can see it in his eyes. A small glimmer of hope. Hope that our Ross is still in there somewhere. Max must be torn up, absolutely destroyed inside.

Today, however, Max was going to see something even more horrible than the things he had witnessed previously. The fruits of Ross' labor. His little experiment had worked, now Max was about to witness the miracle of human redstone.
"So, as you know," Ross was explaining to Max. "I've been applying redstone into our lovely little friends systems, embedding it in their bodies. Now, they are finally ready. My little monsters, human redstone!"

Max looked up at us desperately and began to strain hopelessly against the leather straps holding him down. A single tear escaped me, falling down my face and falling off into space as quickly as it had come. I knew his desperation. The need to help the friend you are watching being killed. But there's nothing you can do. It's the most painful thing in the world, even more painful than my daily torture and raging infections.

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