Color theories

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Okay so I've been researching colors and what they mean in terms of emotions and all kinds of stuff to figure out the mystery of THE REDVACKTOR COLOR SCHEME. And I have a theory.

Vacktor is a rainbow. Though Red is the main of them. A dominant. Each color has positives and negatives, just like regular people. Red can display a number of emotions, but once he gets overwhelmed by one emotion or another is when he changes colors and personalities. I also believe that he can hear these versions of himself within the confines of his mind. It's basically a magical representation of multiple personality disorder.

Red represents the meeting of all the emotions. In his videos, he tends to be less enthusiastic then some of the other guys. When things happen, he usually has less of a reaction to it then the others would. He also says strange things that nobody really understands. Usually peaceful things that would suggest he's sleepy or on drugs. That's just Michael's personality.

But RED AS A CHARACTER is like that because he has weak emotions. The color represents passion, love, strength, and anger. Red's weakness is his lack of emotion. However, because he is the patron of love and passion, that makes him a good boyfriend. It allows him to love a person without having to change form and being with someone he loves may even help him stabilize his emotions.

Orange is the color of happiness, energy, a positive attitude, and social success. Orange is probably very outgoing and talkative. However orange also represents ignorance. Which means that despite him being very social, Orange will have a harder time picking up on social cues and understanding things than the other colors.

Yellow represents friendship, warmth, and a cheerful attitude. Yellow is happy with everything. However Yellow's ultimate flaw is that he is irresponsible. He believes that all of life's problems will solve themselves and rarely puts effort into anything. I also personally believe he would be musically talented.

Green represents growth, fertility, healing, harmony, health, and balance. Green would be very down to earth and understanding. But envy gets the best of him. He is very inclined to jealousy and guilt. His envy causes him to make poor decisions and he often hurts people around him because of it. That attributes to the guilt he carries.

Blue is obviously sad. But there are positives and negatives to every color, so there IS something good about Blue. The color blue represents reflection, reflection, security, and trust. Perhaps Blue is sad because he's too intelligent. He overthinks things and reflects deeply on even the most trivial things, causing him to go mad. But he's also loyal, and once he finds someone he cares about, he trusts you with everything.

Purple represents ambition, spirituality, charm, class, and authenticity. Purple will carry himself like royalty and be very polite to those around him. But his downfall is fear. Purple also represents fear, moodiness, and mystery. Purple is definitely the type to brood. And when he becomes afraid, he's paralyzed. Then he's helpless.

But the main colors are Red, Blue, and Yellow. The primaries.

I'm surprised if you managed to read all this babbling, endless nonsense. Congrats for making it through. Did you like my theory, maybe I'll use it in a story.

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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