Mithross - The Red Sun Sends Its Love

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WARNING: this story includes content of a graphically violent nature. Do not read if you are easily and/or can be triggered by such content.


Includes insanity, sociopathic and psychopathic behavior, adult language, demonic nature, torture, blood, gore, major character death, non consensual relationships, graphic descriptions of violence, suicide, depression, possession, kidnapping, jealousy, abusive behavior, trypophobia triggering scenes

Fourth chapter, the story from here on out will involve more and more death. As always, heed my warnings, I give PLENTY of them. Do not read any of this if you aren't ready.

Chapter 4: Sunburned
Ross' POV

I was scared. Terrified. My headaches were getting more severe and painful and lasting longer. The voices were constant now. No matter what, it was always speaking to me, controlling me somehow, telling me to do horrible things. Telling me to kill my friends, to hurt people, to destroy. It was getting harder and harder to ignore it.

Just kill him
He's in our way
He doesn't care about you
All he wants is to take advantage of you
Of us
Eliminate him
He is a threat

I clenched my hands over my ears, but that did nothing to block them out.

Oh, so you want to ignore me?
You want to ignore the truth?
Of course you do
You're a coward
Even if Max is the wonderful prince in shining armor that you make him out to be
You wouldn't be worthy of him
You are nothing
A pawn in my game
A prisoner to my power

My heart clenched in pain and I withdrew slightly, trying to escape it. "You're wrong." I tried to say bravely. But my voice cracked, revealing my hurt. It laughed coldly, causing my throbbing head to pulse with more pain.

Foolish mortal
I am never wrong
You are weak
And I shall take your soul as I unleash my horror upon this world
And we shall be together
Until the very end

With one last laugh, it left, relieving me of my headache and leaving me in peace. For now. It'll be back. It'll always be back for me.
Jin's POV

I swept what was left of my shaggy black bangs out of my eyes. Blinking stung and breathing hurt. Everything hurt. The pit of my stomach gnawed with hunger. It was cold in my prison. So cold. Nothing was comfortable. Not the rags I wore, nor the freezing stone slab I lay on, nor the thoughts of time passing or food or when he'll come back for me. The only thing that brought me comfort anymore was singing, and I could not do it anymore due to the dryness in my throat. But I would try nonetheless. I would always try. Giving up would do me no good, especially now.

"Hey Jude, don't make it bad.
Take a sad song
And make it better
To let her into your heart
Then you can start
To make it better."

I took in a deep, rattling breath that caught in his chest and made me cough before continuing. I ignored the blood in my mouth as I continued to sing, it actually helped to lubricate my throat.

"Hey Jude, don't let me down
You were made to
Go out and get her
To let her under your skin
Then you begin
To make it better."

I was crying now, dry sobs as I sung with all of my breath and strength. My soul and suffering pouring into my song.

"And anytime you feel the pain
Hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world
Upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool
Who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder..."

I could not continue now. I had lost my strength. My eyes slid shut slowly, letting me drift into blissful darkness.
Barney's POV

My heart sank when Jin's voice ebbed away. Whenever he sang, I saw a tiny ray of hope. But whenever he went silent, I felt an overwhelming sense of dread. I couldn't tell wether he was out of strength or dead. Only time would tell.

As I sat there picking at the ragged remains of my clothes I heard a loud bang in the distance. My heart raced in my chest. It hurt to have it beating so fiercely against my bruised ribcage. Footsteps followed the echoing bang. He was coming.

I scrambled to the edge of my cell, backing into the corner as far as I could and covering my face with my hands. To my horror, I heard the cell door slam against the wall across the hall. "No, please!" I heard Red cry in a rasping whisper. Ross ignored him and opened Jin's cell beside me. Owkard's was next, then he came for me. I whimpered lightly as he dragged me out by the collar of my shirt.

"We're going to do something special today." Ross whispered to us with an unsettling giggle. His eyes were not the ordinary oceanic blue I had grown accustomed to, but an unnatural crimson red. He dragged us all down the dim concrete hallway hastily. Jin looked at me with something in his eyes that I assumed was supposed to be comforting. Though I appreciated the gesture, I could not be comforted.

He led us all to the redstone testing laboratory. A place filled with very dark memories for all of us. Okward was dragged forward and placed on top of a platform covered with a redstone trail leading to him. Carefully, he opened Audrice's jaw and placed a long package into his mouth. At the end dangled several strings attached to a small metal sphere of some sort. It made noises that suggested something was inside of it as it shook on the end of the strings it was tied to. The ball slid down Audrice's throat. He gagged slightly but did not move. Ross quickly moved to a lever on the wall and pulled with all his might. It made a loud clapping sound as it slid into place and activated the trail of redstone.

A horrible screaming noise filled the room. I was shocked. I didn't even know Owkward was still capable of screaming after all he had been through. But he did. He yelled and cried and made the most horrible sounds as he was lit up by the power of the redstone within him. Something made a sizzling noise. It was strange, different from the sound of his flesh cooking. It was a new sound. Suddenly, the room was filled with a bright white light and I felt a burning hot splatter across my cheek and face.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw the fading colorful sparkles of fireworks. Audrice had exploded. His body was splattered across the walls and floors, Ross and all of us. The burning hot liquid on my face was the remains of what should have been his liver. Audrice was no more.

Jin let loose a small, choked sound as Ross laughed maniacally.

From that day on for the rest of our imprisonment, I never heard Jin sing again.

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