The One Hundreth Chapter

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Hey guys. I doubt any original readers are left. But people have continued to read these stories long after I stopped updating. This was my hobby in middle school. I remember the joy and dedication I had to my writing and rereading the chapters I wrote, it's interesting to see the person I was in middle school. It's been years since I updated, and now I'm an adult. 18 years of age! I'm a different person now. So I want to tell you about it.

I suppose I wanted to finish this. I was watching recent videos of Max and Ross, rekindling my love for them, and the thought struck me. I want to write more. I want to write more Mithross fanfiction. I came back to this little story on the internet. The one I never had the heart to delete because people still read and enjoy it. But reading it now I find I don't want to change or add to it. If I were to write more Mithross, I'd do a new thing. And preserve this treasure as it was.

I loved this couple, and seeing their videos now I'm reminded of why. They're sweet, comfortable, and trusting of each other. They're playful and open in a way only friends of years can be. They've been together all this time. Everyone can see the love they have for each other. Even if it's not romantic love. The love is real. How could I not be intrigued? I find myself in a different time as a different person, sharing the passion I once had with myself from years before.

One hundred chapters. I made 99 chapters before moving on, I quit writing for years after this. I want to tell you why.

I mentioned before in this book my mental instability. I had an unstable home environment, and undiagnosed autism that crippled me socially. On top of that, OCD was another undiagnosed waking nightmare, that filled me with fear and caused me even more isolation. The worst was the fatigue. I had chronic fatigue caused by low iron levels. It took years to rebuild my iron levels and get to where I am today. But by the time my issues were diagnosed and addressed, it was too late.

My relationship with my mother was torn to shreds, and I had failed out of high school. I got my TASC diploma, which is what they call a GED nowadays. Now I'm fine! I'm on the right medication, iron supplements, and therapy has been helpful. I'm going to my local community college with hopes to be a dental hygienist. I'm on the right path. I have hope. If you are in a tough situation, I want you to have hope too. By the end of my time writing this book, I was in despair. But I shouldn't have been. I had people who loved me and wanted to help. Someone loves you. And you can get up no matter how many times you fail. I failed out of public school, I was ostracized and outcast, but now I'm rising. I believe you can do the same.

Because of my fatigue and hopelessness, I quit writing for several years. I laid in bed and tried to survive every day. It was agonizing. I spent each morning looking at the ground where my bed met the floor, trying to muster the energy to put my feet on the ground. I would cry bitter tears. And sometimes, I would be so tired I couldn't speak. I would lay my head back in the car and despair over my lack of energy, unable to express my frustrations because I couldn't even open my mouth.

But writing gives me joy.

I write on ao3 now, under the pen name Beelzebub_fuckers writing whatever comes to mind! It's brought me so much happiness, and the happiness of many others who read my stories. I love inspiring people. I love when people enjoy my work. But I wondered, if I wrote Mithross, would I write it here or on ao3? I decided here. It felt right, ya know?

Consider this the closure to this chapter of my life. The escapist fantasy of a middle school girl. I may post a whole new book! Full of new Mithross. Whenever I get the inspiration. I honestly don't know what to write yet.

Thank you. For everything you've done, just by reading this book.

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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