Mithvactor - Dominant Ginger

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Okay! So lots of people asked for some Red x Max for my 8,000 read special. I've never done a fic on this lovely little couple before but I've definitely thought about it before. So here you go! This one goes out to SkyThePasta  CheetahDeathHeart lovemithzan Jacky_the_alien and my other good pal Demon-Wonderland
There were quite a few rivalries in the offices. And more than a few of them involving Max. It wasn't necessarily his fault, he was just a very competitive guy who happened to also have anger issues. This was not a good combination to have if you were going to be around guys like the guys at Sky Media every day. It's not that Max didn't love them to death, but they did know how to push his buttons. They were far too good at it. But as for office rivalries, of course it's only natural that Max would be fighting against Red.

Red and him had problems ever since he arrived in the office. Max felt as though Red had stolen his place as office ginger. Now they were locked in a constant battle for dominance. A battle to prove who was the dominant ginger of Sky Media Offices. They had tried everything. Neither would give in or give up. The battle was going nowhere. The tension was building between the two. At some point, something had to give.

"RED YOU STUPID FUCK!" Max screamed as he watched his Minecraft character fall into the void. Red had just punched Max off of the xRun map. Max could not be more angry. Actually, he could, but he'd probably bust a blood vessel and die of cardiac arrest if he was.

"America, fuck yeah...!" Red sang as he ran into the finish line. The game had ended, Red had won that xRun. "Dominant ginger!" Red screamed as fireworks surrounded him.

Max couldn't take it anymore. He jumped up from his office chair and sprinted down the halls, breathing heavily.

Red was in the middle of celebrating his victory when the door to his studio burst open, letting Max barrel though to his chair. He screamed as the enraged editor tackled him out of his seat and knocked him to the ground.

Max had him pinned to the ground and was raising his hand above his head to slap him. Red whimpered helplessly as the hand descended, bringing a sharp sting to his cheek as Max slapped him hard. "YOU GOD DAMN SON OF A BITCH!" Max screamed at him, red faced and breathless. Red gasped as Max slapped him again. For some reason, even though the treatment was harsh and rough, it stirred an all too familiar feeling inside of Red.


"Please stop!" Red begged, panic rising in his chest. If he got a boner while Max sat on his lap, he wouldn't want to be his friend anymore. Who would want to be friends with a masochistic pervert like him?

Max did not cease his beatings. Instead, he grabbed Red by the collar of his shirt and picked him up to slam his back against the wall. To Red's great surprise, the next thing that struck his face was not a fist, but a pair of soft pink lips. The kiss was not loving or gentle. There was no love behind it at all. Only anger and want. It made Red's dick twitch with interest.

"You don't give me any orders." Max growled, reaching down and literally ripping his shirt off. "I am the fucking boss here." Teeth sank into the sweet spot of Red, making his back arch and causing him to scream. "And I'm going to take you." He growled, grinding his hips down hard. "Wether you like it or not."

Red moaned again, expressing extreme delight in that idea. Max continued to leave deep bruises down the length of his long, pale neck. Sucking, then biting, then soothing the bite with another deep suck. He ran his tongue over the taught and attentive nipples on Red's chest, making him arch his back to meet Max's mouth an gasp for air. His mouth gaping like a fish for breath. It had been only minutes, and he was already blushing and desperate.

Max was focused on nothing else. It was as if the rest of the world had just disappeared to him. All that mattered was Red. Pleasing him. Establishing his dominance.

On Red's desk was a roll of duct tape, which Max used to tie his wrists together above his head. Perhaps if Red wasn't in his vulnerable, weakened state, he would have been able to break free. But he was stuck, helpless, whining and squirming beneath his friend.

"Mine." Max growled, pulling Red's pants down. "Mine." His boxers went too, leaving him completely exposed to the cold air. "Mine." He hissed one last time before engulfing Red's member in his mouth. Red screamed as the feeling of the cold air on his member was replaced with the hot wetness that was Max's mouth.

"Oh, oh god! Max! Yes! Please, Max!" Red cried, his hands straining uselessly against their bonds above his head. He wished that he could reach out and run his hands through Max's beautiful red hair. But it was too far away. All he could do was hold on for dear life as Max hurtled him closer and closer to the edge.

Suddenly, Max pulled away, making Red whimper at the loss, which turned into an animalistic scream as Max thrusted into him without warning. He didn't wait for Red to adjust. Setting a brutal and unforgiving pace as soon as he had entered, one that abused Red's prostate with every thrust.

"MAAAAX!" Red screamed, his vision going white as he came. Max growled in response before buying down on his neck again. Luckily, Washington was cold enough for scarves. Red would definitely need one to cover up all of those bruises and bite marks.

As he came down from his high, Red was vaguely aware that Max was still thrusting into him, sending sparks and shocks through his fried nerves, making his dick twitch far too soon after the orgasm. But Red could not get hard again. His body was too overused for that. All he could do was wrap his arms, still held together by the duct tape, around his neck as he continued his thrusts.

Finally, Max came with a groan, giving Red one last kiss before pulling out. After catching his breath, he got up and pulling on his jeans and shirt, and left Red's office.

Just outside the door stood all of the men and women in the office, gaping at him with jaws dropped. Max just stared back at them, smirked, and walked away.

"You guys might wanna help Red. I'm not sure if he can walk after what just happened." Max called over his shoulder.

With that, Max walked out of the building, leaving the rest of the people in Sky Media offices in shock and confusion and Red on the floor of his office, lying in a pool of his own bliss.
Wow that was fucking savage. I'm kinda proud of that one. I hope y'all enjoyed my 8,000 read special. Keep leaving suggestions of what you want to read in the comments below! Next up: more MithRoss smut and a MithRoss where the argument is Ross' fault.

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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