Corey x Shelby

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It was a beautiful day in Snowdin. Crisp, white snow covered the village in a blanket, the bar and inn was bustling, and Papyrus was yelling at Sans for being too lazy to build a snowskeleton. Corey was standing in the bathroom at Payrus and San's house, messing with his hair in the mirror. Nerves made him queasy as he brushed through the curly mop for what seemed like the millionth time. Fritz had asked him out for a day together as friends playing in the new snow. Of course, just as friends, much to Corey's disappointment. Nonetheless, he wanted to look nice. Can you imagine your crush seeing you when you had a constellation of pimples on your face or when your hair was a raging hot mess? To Corey, that seemed like the most mortifying thing that could happen to him.

"Corey! You've been in the bathroom for an hour!" Fritz called from the other side of the door. "Are you okay in there?!" Corey panicked at the sound of her voice. Oh no! He wasn't ready! God, why was his hair always a mess?!

He adjusted his lime green and yellow sweater and made one last failed attempt to flatten his hair before opening the door. Fritz stood outside with a relieved smile on her face. Her eyes were warm and kind and seemed to sparkle with determination. Unlike Corey's mop of unruly curls, Fritz's hair fell down her shoulders in perfect red waves. They stood out against the magenta and sky blue sweater she wore. Everything about her was beautiful and Corey found himself struggling to breath properly.

Oh yeah, he was boned.


"Come on, Corey!" Fritz laughed, pulling Corey by the hand over another large hill. He tripped and stumbled clumsily after her through the thick layer of snow on the ground.

"Fritz, slow down!" Corey begged. She didn't seem to hear him. More likely she was just ignoring him. Honestly, Corey didn't know where they were going, and it hurt to run through all this snow due to the mound of snow in his boots, but he didn't care. Wherever they were going, Corey got to hold Fritz's hand while they went. Sure, he may lose a foot, but it'd be worth it.

Over the final hill, which felt like the hundredth to poor Corey, he saw the thing that Fritz had been hoping to show him. Roof of the underground stood in an endless expanse above them, stretching out for what seemed like forever. Millions of billions of tiny luminescent rocks embedded in the ceiling glittered in the darkness. They looked like stars above them. Her eyes sparkled beneath their light like they too were stars.

"Isn't it great!" Fritz exclaimed, smiling at me. Corey's heart jumped in my chest and he nodded silently, his nerves keeping him silent. Oh no, what should I do? He thought.

"Corey." Fritz said beside him. He jumped, startled.

"Um... yes?!" he said loudly, blushing furiously. With a giggle, Fritz leaned forward and kissed him on the nose.

"You're cute." She informed him. Corey blushed harder but smiled nonetheless.

"I know."


This little story I whipped up goes out to SkyThePasta who wanted some Shelby x Corey. I'll be honest, I don't know much about this ship. But I did watch their Undertale roleplay and Corey has a crush on Fritz, which Shelby plays, in that series. So I took that and did my best. It not my best but I hope ya like it anway!

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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