SkyZan - Somewhere In Between Hate and Love

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Yo, so this will be my first smut on this set of oneshots. I warn you, it's not a vanilla love making session, it's very bitter and rough. I'm more into writing about kinky, violent sex. Imagine if Adam and Max read this one day. Oh boy oh boy, what fun that would be for them and everyone they know and their future therapists. Anyway, this is a warning for those that don't want to read graphic gay sex. Do not read if you're not into gay sex. Thank you.


Sky and Max were friends, really close friends. But there are two kinds of friends; the kind who cares about each other and everyone thinks they're in love, and the kind that seem more like mortal enemies than best friends. Max and Sky were stuck in an eternal battle for superiority. Neither were going to win, neither were going to give in, they were far too stubborn for that. Their never-ending duel trying to one-up the other had been gradually escalating to new heights. With the "Make Max Mad challenge" and the various flame wars over GTA, tension was rising between Max and Sky. The kind of tension that bode bad things. No one was willing to admit that they were wrong, Max would never give in, and Adam enjoyed fucking around with him too much. At some point, there had to be a fight. No matter what form that may come in. Everyone else was just trying to stay out of their way until shit went down.

"ADAM YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Max screamed at his hysterically laughing friend. The ginger was far too angry after coming to work and finding his station covered with 400 opened tuna cans. The entire office smelled like tuna fish, and Max was just about ready to bust a blood vessel he was so angry.

"DEAL WITH IT!" Adam screamed over his shoulder as he skidded dangerously around the corner. He was running for his dear life, breathing heavily. Yeah, Max had an advantage because he worked out. What a motherfucker. To this day Adam winces at the thought of the rug burn he would have gotten, had he fallen over.

"I'LL CATCH UP WITH YOU SOON, YA BITCH! YOU'RE TOO FAT TO RUN FOREVER!" Max screamed as he rounded the corner with ease. Barney dodged the two of them casually as they ran past. People who worked at Sky Media were pretty used to dodging people running in the halls.

"THAT'S JUST MY FAT BOOTY!" Adam shouted as he ran into his studio, closing the door and ramming himself up against it to barricade himself inside. Max began pounding against the door with all of his weight and body.

"ADAM, OPEN THE DOOR!" Max screamed, ramming himself full speed at the door once more. On the other side of the door, Adam stumbled. Damn, he was strong!

"NEVER!" Adam declared. With a war cry that struck fear into the hearts of every man and woman in the office, Max finally bust through the door, knocking Adam to the ground and the door swung on its hinges and slammed against the wall behind it. Adam let loose a shrill scream as he fell that could make a puppy pee as Max tackled him to the ground.

Max held a triumphant grin on his face as he pinned his friend down beneath him. "HA! GOTTCHA!" He exclaimed. Adam's face was as bright as the sun as he struggled beneath Max.

"Okay! Let me go!" Adam pleaded.

"No. I want to savor this moment."

"Max, seriously!"

The ginger was confused. His prey was squirming uncomfortably beneath him and blushing redder than red should be. Jeez, did he smell that bad? What was going on?!

Finally, all of Max's questions were answered as their lives took an unexpected turn into the unknown. It was so quiet that Max hardly heard it, he almost missed it. But his ear definitely picked up a quiet, helpless whimper. A whimper that wasn't quite fear, and not discomfort... It was...

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