Skybop - A Day in Washington

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Jin flattened his hair nervously. He felt like a bug under a microscope and that everything about him was just wrong. Jin could practically feel the nonexistent crumbs on his famous purple jacket. But that was probably because this was his first date with his new boyfriend.

Honestly, Jin hadn't expected Adam to say yes to going out on a date with him. Adam was way out of his league, both in YouTube fame and looks. Jin could never dream to be anywhere near good enough for him. But Adam had said yes, and now Jin was ready to piss himself out of anxiety.

"Oh god, don't fuck up." He whispered to himself as he approached the door to Adam's studio. Inside he could see Adam brushing aside his curly brown hair and running his tongue over his teeth like a squeegee. Jin's heart raced in his chest, pounding almost painfully against his ribcage. Nervously, he cracked open the door and poked his head in.

"H-hey Adam." Fuck, he stuttered. God damn it Jin you fucked up the date already. "Are you, um, ready to..." He trailed off, going bright red. Fucking fuck! He was so bombing this date! God, it was just like that time he head butted the girl who would have been his first kiss. He was so unattractive.

Adam seemed not to notice his blunder. "Hey, Jin!" He greeted cheerfully. "I am pumped for our date! This is gonna be great."

Jin breathed a sigh of relief and managed to smile back at him. "Me too."

"So, Romeo." Adam said, standing from his chair and hooking his arm through mine and looking into his eyes with a look that was probably supposed to be seductive. "Where are going to take your lovely Juliet?"

Jin's knees went weak when Adam touched him and smirked at him all cocky and flirty and cute. God, he was so fucked. "I-I don't know to be honest. I just thought we'd go out on the town and do whatever we want."

"Hells yeah!" Adam agreed enthusiastically. "Let's fucking own this town! Look out world, here comes Jin and Adam!" He started singing some sort of adventurous, intense music as he pulled Jin along, running out of the offices and straight for Jin's car in the parking lot. Jin couldn't help but laugh at his energy and jokes. He really was a funny guy.

As Jin was driving, him and Adam sang along to Maroon 5 and blasted music out of the stereo. People cringed at their voices as they drove past. Adam is pretty good at singing, but there was a reason Jin was a comedian and not a singer. It didn't matter though, they were having fun, and that's all that mattered.

Jin hadn't been on many dates, but he had to say this one was by far his favorite out of all of them. They went to a tiny little artists shop full of handmade furniture and sculptures and scented candles and they just smelled all of the candles. All of them.

Then they went to a party store and played with their balloons and got Adam tangled up in 27 different colors of sparkling ribbons. It took them over an hour to cut him out with safety scissors. As soon as he was free Jin and Adam were kicked out of the store.

After that they went for sushi and the entire time they only spoke to each other in character with their breakfast brigade voices. Everyone in the restaurant was deeply disturbed by two grown men screaming in strange accents and calling each other Sausage and Bacon. Several people fled the restaurant in confusion, fear, and irritation before the staff kicked them out.

Then they just walked around the park and held hands. At the end of the day they were laying on the grass, staring up into the sky and watching the clouds change color as the sun set.

"The sky looks like cotton candy." Adam said happily. Jin just smiled.

"Yeah." He agreed.

"That was the most fun I've ever had." Adam said with a sigh. "I gotta say, you really know how to treat a lady."

Jin giggled quietly. "Yeah, I'm suave as hell." Adam laughed as well before reaching over to grab Jin's hand. He was surprised, but he let Adam intertwine their fingers and press their palms together. Jin looked up into Adam's eyes to see a kind twinkle in them. Like a star in the night. Jin sucked in a breath of anticipation as Adam leaned in close and pressed his lips to his ear.

"I love you, Romeo."

Jin's heart swelled like a ballon, filling him to the brim with joy and expanding beyond the confines of his own body. Bursting out of his lungs and through the tips of his fingers and causing a wide smile to spread across his face. He continued to smile even as he brought his lips to Adam and kissed him deeply.

"I love you too, Juliet."
*happy giggling*

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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