JinBar "Rainy Days"

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Cuddling is one of those things everyone loves. Babies cuddle with plushies, children cuddle with their siblings and parents, lovers cuddle with one another, even pet owner cuddle with their animals. Everyone loves to cuddle.

It was a dreary day in Washington. It was raining hard outside. Washington always got a lot of rain. But today was an especially stormy day. The power grid went down and people had to stay inside. It was too dangerous to drive. So, of course, work had been canceled. Jin, however, was not at home where he belonged in this storm. He was shut in at Barney's house from their date night the night before. Of course, neither of the men minded. Who would mind a day alone with their lover?

Yes, lover. Jin often mentioned how cute he found girls to be, but he conveniently forgot his attraction to his own gender as well. He also... Forgot to mention his relationship with his foreign friend as well.

Honestly, Jim felt like he could relate to Barney. Being from Korea and a Korean family, it took him a long time to adjust to American culture and the English language. He still remembers all the racist comments and insults that he used to get on a regular basis over his face or his broken English. Of course, he still got them sometimes, but it seemed like a thing of the past to him, and they bothered him far less now.

You're probably wondering what the couple was doing if the power was out. Sure, they could use their phones, but without power, there was no wifi. So they couldn't just watch Netflix. What would they be doing?

Cuddling, of course.

The apartment was quiet aside for the pounding beat of rain battering against the windows. Barney's brothers slept like a pile of boulders, snoring louder than a rocket taking off, Red was playing games on his phone, and Grams was reading in her own bed. That left the living room free for Barney and Jin to take over. Just like they had the night before when they had Red take Barney's family out so they could "Netflix and Chill".

Barney was dressed in jeans and a t shirt, laying back flat against the surface of the couch, his balding head propped up against the armrest. Jin lay on top of him in his purple jacket and boxers. They said no words. There were no words that needed to be said. They were comfortable, in that state half between horny, sleep, and awake, just content and happy to be in each other's presence. While Jin was staring off into the distance, thinking deeply and tapping his toes against the opposite armrest, Barney played with Jin's soft black hair. Sure, it wasn't interesting, but it was damn well satisfying. It was also the perfect was to spend the day off.
Hello! This is an odd ship! I had never even heard of it before. But it was reader suggested. This one goes out to EljayRex . Thanks for the suggestion! I did my best.

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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