Mithross - The Red Sun Sends Its Love

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I'm tired of the big long warning. It just gory and sad in this one. I cried writing this, it's just sad, man.

Jin's POV

I held Barney's hand. With our friends dying out left and right, it honestly felt like we were the last to people in this bunker sometimes. Waiting for a monster unknown in the darkness to pounce out and snatch us up. His breathing was uneven and shallow, it rattled with every intake and wheezed with every release. His hands were colder than ice, but I held on. Just to know that someone was here with me. A friend in the world. Sometimes his breathing would pause for so long, I thought he had died. Just when I was ready to cry and give up hope, he would take another magnificent, miraculous breath. Every once in a while if look over to check on him. Once I did, I realized he looked worried. No... Scared. "Wheres is Red?" Barney said, choking a bit, voice full of emotion. "I haven't seeings him in a whiles. I'm afraid Rot may having..." His words trailed off and I felt sick. How long has it been since I'd seen Red? Where was he? Ross hadn't spoken of him and we hadn't seen him. When you were trapped in this prison, it was easy to assume the worst. But assuming Red had died wouldn't help Barney feel better. So I gave his hand a quick, hopefully comforting squeeze.

"It'll be fine. I promise." I told him, gentle yet firm and final. "Red is a strong, detestably goofy asshole and we love him. There's no doubt in my mind that he'll survive nearly anything Ross has in store for him."

Barney looked over at me, gratitude and sorrow swimming in his glossy eyes.

But our moment of warmth and happiness was cut short by the ominous creak of the opening door. And Ross entered the room. My heart sunk in my chest and speed up all at once.

"Hello, Jin." Ross said, his eyes gleaming with a maleficent passion.
"I've come to play..." He sang, sing-song sentences like a child who wants to lure you into playing their games. I couldn't help but cower back in fear.

"Ross..." I tried to say. But my voice cracked and failed. All I could do was squeeze Barney's hand as Ross approached menacingly.

"Nos!" Barney cried, desperately throwing his body over mine, trying to cover me. "You won't killing Jins! No mores killings Rot!"

Ross shrieked in fury, pulling Barney off of me and throwing him aside. But instead of grabbing me as soon as Barney was out of the way, Ross turned to Barney. With a glint of malice in his eyes, he raised his rusty pipe over his head, tensing his muscles in preparation for the blow.

I covered my eyes, cowering in the corner as Ross struck him. Not once, not twice. Over and over and over and over again. Without mercy or rhythm. With the intent not only to harm, but to kill. Blood splattered up against me with every hit. Soon I was drenched. It was hot and wet and horrific. By the time he was done, Barney was nothing more than blood, membranes and fragments of pulverized bones. Then he turned on me. Drenched as I was with his eyes matching the color. And I knew this wasn't Ross.

I turned away, with difficulty, shakily rising to my feet. As I stood on my feet, desperately trying to keep my balance, I reached out to him.

And I took his hand.

Something ran through Ross's eyes. A flicker of blue. Of the Ross I knew, and it was the happiest I had been in what seemed like countless weeks. But the joy was brief, shattered by the cruelty of my reality. After the flicker disappeared, Ross seemed confused for a moment. But only a moment. As soon as that moment had passed he was more violent and angry than ever. He tried to pull his hand away from mine, but I wouldn't let go. Not now that the real Ross was so close by. Not after everything we'd been through.

Frustrated and furious, he turned to violence, smashing the wrist of the hand that held onto him with his pipe. I could not hold the scream that escaped me as I fumbled back towards the unforgiving concrete floor. But I had to face an even more unforgiving blow from my tormentor as he drew his pipe on me. I looked up at Ross after the first hit, and through the pain, I smiled.

"It's okay, Ross." I told him.


"This isn't your fault."

He hit me again and again. I struggled to keep my head upright, looking into his eyes with sincerity and kindness.

"You're my friend. And I love you."

Ross started to bring his weapon down with more force. I felt my shoulder dislocate and heard several bones break. I had to gasp for breath before continuing.

"You don't just love someone when it's convenient for you to love them." I said, my heart swelling with emotion. "You love people through the good and the bad. You accept them even at their *gasp* worst."

He screamed as he brought it down against my head. I felt my skull cave in, and my thoughts shattered. But I had to tell him. Ross needed to know, that I forgave him.

"It's okay." I told him. "I'm here."

He hit me harder and faster. "SHUT UP!" He sobbed.

"I'm not going to leave you."

"I forgive you."

"I'm going to be your friend."

"For better,"

"Or worse,"

After I said this, he landed a particularly hard blow, and I couldn't breath anymore. My ribs shattered, lungs howling in pain. I finally managed to force my last words out.

"Until death do us part."


Possessed Ross' POV

I collapsed, my legs too shaky and weak to support me. My cheeks were wet, but not just with blood, something was cutting trails through the sticky layer on my face. Was I crying? Impossible!

Ross was screaming, loud and clear inside of me. JIN! He cried. JIN!

"JIN!" I sobbed. WHAT?!

Ross was getting through to me. I sobbed uncontrollably, unable to stop myself. For the first time since my arrival, I felt sorry for what I had done.

What was happening to me?

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