Dada the Dolphin x Earl - Cooking Up Some Love

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They were just bound to become friends. Their creators were best friends, they were both very strange, and they both shared a passion for cooking. Actually, cooking is one of the things they often did together. Of course, bless their hearts, neither of them actually knew how to cook. But it didn't matter. Dada loved to cook with fish and Earl loved anything to do with cooking.

"Should we make a stir fry, or a batch of cookies?" Earl asked Dada, shifting through the contents of Ross' kitchen cabinets.

"DADA LOVES COOKIES!" Dada shouted. Yelling was the only volume Dada could speak at, and Earl had quickly grown accustomed to his loud voice and erratic personality.

"Cookies it is then." Earl decided with a smile. Despite being a dungeon beast, little Earl was not loud or scary at all. He was capable of horrible things, which he regretted doing in the past, but Dada knew none of that. Earl preferred to keep it that way. Dada clapped his fins excitedly.

"YAY! COOKIES!" He screamed, spreading out a various assortment of fish across the counter. Earl paid no mind to the fish as he set a mixing bowl on top of the pile and gathered flour, sugar, eggs, vanilla, and various other ingredients. Together, Dada and Earl mixed up the batter, occasionally throwing in a fish or two. Scales and all, not prepared or cut up, still fresh. Earl threw in some kibble and even a good old finger and a human heart from his days as a dungeon beast. They managed to somehow break the electric mixer in their horrifying concoction before giving up and plopping uneven glops of gooey batter all over the un-greased cookie sheets. Both creatures were proud of their work as they put their cookies in the oven.

"WE DID IT!" Dada shouted.

"Yeah we did!" Earl said with a smile. Dada loved it when Earl smiled. Sure, he had lots of pointy teeth, and those glittering red eyes could be unsettling, but Dada always found Earl's look to be unique and interesting. Just because he looked different, didn't mean he didn't have a good heart. And he did. Dada had learned to grow accustomed to his strange looks and had even grown fond of them. Perhaps more than fond.

"EARL, YOUR MY BEST FWIEND." Dada announced with his goofy little giggle. Earl jumped with joy.

"I like you too, Dada!"

"HOW MUCH DO YA LIKE ME?" Dada asked, glancing over at him.

"A lot!" Earl said confidently.


Earl looked at Dada, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Instead of answering, Dada leaned over and kissed him. Or, at least, touched his snout to Earl's scaly lips. Earl would have blushed, had he been capable. But he couldn't, so he just stared up at Dada. Shocked and entranced.

Dada couldn't blush, because he was a dolphin, but that did not stop him from feeling crawling guilt, sharp fear, and overwhelming embarrassment. Many emotions all battling inside of him at once, swirling in his soul as he looked down at his crush.

"I'M SORRY EARL!" Dada shouted, turning away, embarrassed and heartbroken.

"That's alright!" Earl assured him. "I like you too, Dada! We should be more than friends! We should be super friends!"

"SUPER FRIENDS! SUPER FRIENDS!" Dada squealed excitedly, clapping his fins together. He wasn't sure what "super friends" were, and neither was Earl, but it didn't matter. All they knew was that they had a bond that went beyond the confines of a simple friendship.

Finally, the cookies were done. Earl slid them out of the oven. They did not look or smell like cookies. They did not look or smell like anything edible or attractive at all. Literally nothing about them was right. Nonetheless, Dada and Earl picked up two squishy, runny plops after they had time to cool and popped them into their mouths. Immediately, the rushed to the sink to vomit.

"OH GOD!" Dada screamed. "THAT WAS AWFUL!"

"Never again! No more fish in cookies!" Earl said, coughing and gagging.

"AGREED." He whispered hoarsely, releasing the rest of the contents of his stomach into the kitchen sink.

Later in the night, after the two had cleaned up, they sat together on the couch watching reruns of old romantic sitcoms from the 1980's or something and eating a bowl of pretzels they had found in Ross' cabinets. Together, they nuzzled up for warmth and emptied the bag of pretzels quickly. With their stomachs full and their lovers embrace so warm, they quickly fell asleep, nuzzling affectionately as the commercials ran through. With a sigh and a smile, Earl held on tight to Dada.

He would never let go.
Yo yesterday I said I would post it that was big fat old fucking lie the depression hit me like a tidal wave and then I ate a pint of ice cream and watched Hannibal 1 and 2 to erase my feelings. So sorry this is a bit late but life is stressful. I'm sure you can relate. That's why I'm so sorry for posting this late. I know reading fanfiction makes me happy when I'm down, so if I don't release my content when I'm fucking supposed to, then where's your pick-me-up? I'm too impatient to wait for YouTube videos to be uploaded and the only reason I'm still partially sane is because of Fall Out Boy so I truly am sorry for not releasing on time. I will try my best to prevent any future misfortunes such as this.

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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