What are those

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Yo this story has 6k reads what
Why tho?
I'm only half good at writing tho
Thank for sticking around though, it really does mean a lot to me. Tell me what you want to see in the comments bellow! So far you guys have asked for a few things I'm working on.

Things I'm working on for you guys:
-more submissive Max smut
-Redney Sweetie Pie
-The Red Sun Sends Its Love
-a story where Max and Ross argue and its Ross' fault instead of Max's for once because it's true those don't exist it's always Max's fault and I want you guys to get varied content here

Some other things I've been working on is some Aphmau fanfictions. Actually fluff and smut, I just released a Travlyn and I'm working on some smut for that so look forward to that for you Aphmau fans or don't I'm not here to tell you what to do.

School is over in less than 7 weeks for me so I will have way more time to write if I get through the school year in one piece. Right now I have literally a zero in math and like 80s in my other classes so ye, wish me luck.

As always, my friends, have a swell day.

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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