Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei || Migraine

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This has been a long time coming - these are my two favorite Haikyuu!! boys, my otp, and I finally, finally wrote about a poly relationship with them. I have terrible migraines all the time, and honestly just want Tsukki to take care of me. (Also yes a lot of my chapters have been named after twenty one pilots songs but I can't help it lolol. 


 Kei had always been extremely confident in his ability to listen to instructions and follow them - it made him a good son, a good student, and a rather good volleyball player when he actually put in the effort to following orders. It usually didn't take him much time to get a routine of sorts down with what he had learned; give him a couple hours and he could completely master complex math equations, a few days and he could correctly use words in a different language, a couple weeks and he could hold a simple conversation in a language he'd only just started learning.

Kei was good at memorizing, good at applying his knowledge to tough situations, but this - this was was something that made Kei a mindless idiot; he didn't know how to properly help (f/n).

At first he had been extremely unsure about his opportunity to join a polyamorous relationship with Tetsurou and (f/n). He wasn't even sure he could handle a relationship with one person, so having two significant others didn't seem like the ideal situation.

But he tested the waters - the three of them went out on simple dates and spent nights inside just talking, getting to know each other, trying to figure out just what they were, if they were to become anything. It was a slow, careful process, but it was worth all of the time and awkward conversation that had to go into it - they came out of the awkward, unsteady phase with something whole, something they knew would work and last a while because they'd worked so hard to make it work.

Kei's amazing application skills came in handy then - Tetsurou and (f/n) had known each other since they were children, so they knew all of the other's favorite everything, knew what made the other person tick, knew what the other was most afraid of. Kei caught up in no time, because he was a master of memorizing anything, and he showed those skills in sticky situations when either one of his significant others needed him.

But this was different.

He knew that (f/n) suffered from terrible, terrible migraines, and he'd learned after many months of being with them just how to help make those migraines less straining, how to make her more comfortable in the time it took for her medicine to kick in. He'd been there while Tetsurou helped her, and he'd helped Tetsu help her, but he'd never done it alone, he'd never had to try and help her alone.

There was a first time for everything, though.

Kei walked into Tetsurou and (f/n)'s apartment - they decided to room together when they were allowed to move out of the dorms - after his classes, a slight frown on his face. The day had been hectic, but he was looking forward to the night - it was a Friday, which meant Kuroo would be out of practice soon and (f/n) was already home, so they were going to cuddle and watch movies like they usually did.

"(f/n), I'm here," he said quietly after walking through the door of the small apartment.

Kei had always liked the small size of the apartment - less space meant cozier, closer. As college students they didn't have a lot of belongings, so the tiny apartment fit them and their stuff well - the home never felt empty.

When he didn't receive a reply Kei frowned. "(f/n)?"

He walked further into the house, towards the bedroom that they all slept in most of the time, and he found (f/n) curled up on the bed, her entire body under her blanket and two cats curled up with her body.

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