Good and Broken

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December 31st, 2019
Miley's POV

I woke up to Liam kissing my lips. I opened my eyes and he smiled at me.

"Happy one year anniversary babe." Then I smile, and kiss him.

"Happy one year to you too." Then I sit up. "Where's Jessy?"

"Playing in the living room. She's hungry. I was gonna wake you up then feed her."

"Oh, well you better go feed her then." I say, then smile. "Let me get up and put on a robe." I was sleeping naked again, like I used to. Now that I have my body back and I'm comfortable, I'm able to sleep the way I like. I got up and put on a robe, then went out into the kitchen where Liam was putting Jessica in her highchair. I sat in a chair next to her and Liam handed me some fruit and almond milk, and Jessica a bottle of almond milk and some cut up fruit.

"Here ya go Jessy." Liam says. Then she started to eat her fruit, and occasionally took a drink of her milk. "Just like mommy."

"After her fruit she should have some cereal." I say to Liam.

"What kind?"

"Just give her some fruity pebbles, she really likes those." Then I continue to eat my fruit. When I was done I went into Liam's and my bathroom to take a shower. I took a shower and got dressed, then went into the living room. I saw Jessica on the living room floor with some toys, playing with Liam. I smiled and joined them.

"Look, Jessica, mommy came to play." Liam says, pointing at me. Then Jessica looked up at me and smiled.

"Momma!" I sat next to Liam, and grabbed one of her soft balls she likes. I rolled it to her, and she rolled it back to me.

"Liam, we should go to the store. We're almost out of almond milk and I want some rice."

"Okay. Want me to go or you?"

"We should both go. We haven't went together to the store in a while. And we can take Jessica then." I say, then he nods.

"Okay. Jessy wanna go to the store?" Liam asks Jessica. Then she nods with a smile. "Here, I'll get my phone and keys. You put her in her carseat."

Then he hands me Jessica. I grab my phone before going to his car. I put Jessica in her carseat and handed her a kid's cup with juice. I got her buckled then got in the passenger seat and buckled myself up. Liam soon came and got in his car in the driver's seat. He buckled up, then started the car. While we were on out way I could hear Jessica talking to herself.

"Momma more juice. All gone." She says, then I smile.

"I'll give you more soon baby." I say to her, looking at the road.

"Do you really think she needs more juice?" Liam asks me.

"She's out, Liam. It's gone."

"Yeah well do you really think she should have more? She's almost potty trained. We don't need her wetting her diapers, she'll start to think it's okay again." He argues.

"Liam, she's out of juice. She's thirsty."

"Well maybe she should've drank it slower."

"Liam she's two." I argue back.

"Well maybe you should've only given it to her when she wanted it."

"She obviously wanted it, she drank it Liam for fucks sake."

"Well shit maybe we should just stop potty training her then hmm? She's gonna keep wetting her diapers if she continues to drink so much in the car or places where she can't go to the bathroom. Then she'll think it's okay to start shitting in them too!"

"Liam shut the hell up! Ugh!" Then we get to the store. I get out and get Jessica out of her carseat, then Liam gets out and locks the car. "Let's just go." Then we get in, and get a cart. While I was pushing the cart, we went down the snack isle to get to the fruit faster.

"Daddy cookie." She says sitting in the cart, pointing to the cookies.

"Maybe Jessy if you're good." Liam replies to her.

"Oh so now you're going to spoil her?" I ask Liam.

"Oh c'mon it's not like you don't do it."

"We have enough snacks at home, and we give her them once in a while. She doesn't need anymore." I say sternly. "And besides. Why would she get a cookie, if she can't even have juice?"

"Oh whatever." He says after rolling his eyes.

"Mommy potty." Jessica says to me.

"See I told you." Liam says, and I could sense he was irratated.

"C'mon Jessica." I say, picking her up. "I'll meet you at the car." I say, irratated at Liam.

"Fine." Then he takes the cart and finishes shopping while I take Jessica to the bathroom.

When I got to the car, Liam was waiting rather impatiently in the driver's seat. I put Jessica in her carseat and buckled her up. I got in the passenger seat and buckled myself up. Liam buckled up and started the car.

"Took you long enough."

"Well shit Liam, maybe I had to use the bathroom too!" I exclaim. "Jesus why can't you understand?!"

"Well maybe because you didn't tell me you were gonna go too. Okay?" Then he rolls his eyes.

"Shut the hell up and focus on the road." I snap.

He rolls his eyes again, and I ignore him. Soon later we got home, and I took Jessica in the house while Liam got the groceries. He put the groceries away, and Jessica looked tired, so I put her to bed for a nap.

"Ya know Miley, it's really hard to concentrate on the road when you're yelling at me." Liam says after I get out of Jessica's room.

"Shut the hell up you've done it to me plenty of times."

"Oh well excuse me. I'm sorry I'm not perfect."

"Well neither am I so I don't know why you're yelling at me." I snap.

"Shut up you think you're just oh so perfect. Ever since your new album came out you've been acting like your just hot shit."

My new album, M5, came out on my birthday. I released it a bit later than I was expecting but at least I released it. Everyone has commented on it that it was good. My producer told me I should release it soon, so I did. Now they're planning on me to tour, but I'm not sure yet if I want to soon.

"Shut the fuck up I have not!" I argue.

"Yes, actually, you have Miley. So ya know what? Forget it, never mind."

"Yeah you know better than to fucking fight with me. Ugh I can't stand you sometimes!"

"Whatever." Then he walks to our bathroom to take a shower.

When bedtime rolled around I made sure Jessica was full, and didn't have to use the bathroom. I got her into pajamas and put her to bed. I got in Liam's and my room and Liam was getting in his pajamas. He grabbed his pillow and a blanket from the closet and went into the living room.

"What're you doing?" I ask, annoyed.

"Since you "cant stand me" I'll be on the couch tonight."

"I said sometimes."

"Well I guess this is a sometime then hmm?" Then he puts the pillow and blanket on the couch. I shut our door and got undressed. I got into bed, and cried myself to sleep.

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