Safe and Sound

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June 17th, 2020
Miley's POV     

9 AM     
It was the day of my doctors appointment, and I was very anxious. My baby bump was small, and I haven't felt any kicks from the babies. If I didn't know any better, I'd think I wasn't pregnant. Just fat. Even though I'm that too. I was going by myself because I didn't want anyone else going in case something is wrong. Noah wanted to go, but I told her I wanted to do it just by myself. I know it's horrible, but I have mixed emotions about the whole pregnancy thing. Like, I want Liam to be here with me through it all...but at the same time I don't want him here because of what he's said. My appointment was at 11:15 AM and it was only just a little past 9. I'm debating if I wanna take Jessica with me. I want her to see the babies, but I don't want her to be there if anything is wrong. It's kind of late already to ask anyone to watch her, so I'll just probably take her with me. She hasn't told anyone I'm pregnant yet, which I'm thankful for. I'm surprised she's kept the secret this long.

"Jessy do you want some breakfast?" I ask Jessica, walking into the living room. "You woke up later today and haven't eaten yet."

"I'm hungry." She answers.

"Okay, come here." Then she stands up and walks over to me and I pick her up and put her in her highchair. "You're getting big Jessy. Almost time for just a booster seat."  Then she nods.

"Yeah." She says nonchalantly, then I laugh. I make her toast and cut up some apples and carrots for her, then put it on her highchair.

"Are you thirsty?" I ask her.


"What do you want? Milk or juice?"

"Juice!" Then I go to the fridge and get her a kid's cup with apple juice. I put it by her plate and she takes a drink.

"After breakfast well get dressed, okay?"

"Where we going?" She asks.

"To my doctor appointment. We're gonna see the babies."


"The doctor is gonna take some pictures." I explain. "Then we'll look at them and see how they're doing and how big they are."

"Oh okay." Then I smile. "Are you hungry mommy?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna get some toast too." After we were done eating, I took Jessica to her room and got her dressed. Then I got into a pair of sweats and a shirt. It wasn't super baggy, but it was baggy enough so it was hard to tell I had a baby bump.

10:40 AM    

"Jessy, it's time to go." I say, then walk into the living room.

"Why?" She asks.

"Because my appointment is at 11:15. It'll take some time to get there, and check in is ten minutes before my appointment."


"Let's go." Then she stands up and I pick up her toys. "Ready? Want a toy for in the car?

"Yeah." Then I get my phone, keys, and a toy and leave with Jessica.

While I was driving to the doctors office, Jessica was playing with her toy. I don't know why, but I was kind of freaking out about everything. What if there's something wrong with the babies? How am I going to tell Liam I'm pregnant? What if Liam wants custody? I already have custody of Jessica, but what if he wants to see her and the twins for more than weekends? What will he say when I tell him I'm pregnant? I can't hide it from him for forever. He's gonna find out eventually. And I'd rather tell him myself other than him finding out by social media. The only thing I'm trying to figure out is how to tell him...

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