Good Vibrations

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September 13th, 2020
Miley's POV

I can't believe it. I'm already twenty-seven weeks pregnant. Today was yet another doctor appointment. It's getting to be boring. The same thing every time. If I'm feeling okay, if everything is okay, ultrasounds. It's just so lame. But if this is what I have to do to make sure the babies are okay, then I'll do it. I was getting ready to leave now. I was gonna drop Jessica off at my parents' and just go alone this time. I was grabbing my keys when there was a knock on the door. I open the door, and it's Liam.

"Liam, I told you. You need to be in Australia so you can hurry up and finish filming."

"Is that how you greet me?" He asks, then I roll my eyes.

"Seriously. Why aren't you there?"

"Where ya going?"

"Answer my question first." I demand.

"Okay, okay. I'm here because the director said I could be here for a few days. It's been forever since I saw Jessy." Then I sigh. "Now, where are you going?"

"To my doctor appointment. I'm dropping Jessica off at my mom and dad's."

"Why can't I watch her?" He asks. "I mean, I'm here already. It'll save you time. Besides, I wanna see Jessica. Also, I'm sure she wants to see me too."

"Jessy, daddy is here." I say, then she comes running out of her room.

"Hi daddy!" Then Liam picks her up.

"Hi Jessy. How are you?"

"Good." She replies.

"Have you been good for mommy lately?" He asks her.

"Yeah." Then Liam smiles.

"Has she?" Liam asks me. "She always says yes."

"She's good." When Liam puts Jessica down, she runs over to her toys. "I really do have to go though."

"Okay, so, can I watch her?"

"Sure. She usually will take a nap in about two hours but I'm sure I'll be home by then. If she gets hungry give her some fruit or vegetables. Be careful when you put your phone or something down, she'll take it and play with it. Been there, done that. Lesson learned." I say.

"Miley, she's my daughter too. I haven't forgotten how to take care of her." Then he laughs.

"Okay, thanks for watching her."

"Do your parents know you're dropping her off there?" He asks, then I nod.

"Yeah, I'll text them."

"Don't text and drive." Then I shake my head.

"I meant I'll text them now, and I never do anyway." I say while texting my mom.

"Good. I'll see you later." Then I nod.

"Bye Jessica, be good for daddy."

"Okay mommy. Bye!" Then I smile before walking out.

When I got to the doctor I signed in, and soon I got called. A guy weighed me and took my blood pressure. While I was waiting for Dr. Walsh, I was texting Liam.

Miley: How is Jessy?

Liam: Would ya quit worrying? She's fine

Miley: Well sorry for being a protective mom

Liam: It's fine. Aren't you supposed to be getting an ultrasound?

Miley: She hasn't came in yet

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