Bad Romance

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March 7th, 2020
Miley's POV      

I was eating some breakfast with Jessica before I was gonna drop her off at my parent's house so I could have time with Noah alone, some sister time. After Jessica and I were done eating I cleaned up then took Jessica to her room to change her. I dressed her in a white shirt and brown pants. I grabbed my phone and keys, then walked out the door. I locked the house before walking to my car. I put Jessica in her carseat and buckled her up. I got in the driver's seat and buckled myself up. I started the car and started driving to my parent's house. When I got there, I got out and got Jessica out. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. My dad answered the door soon later.

"Hi dad." I say, then he smiles.

"Hi Mile. Come in." Then I walk into the house.

"Hi Miley." My mom says, then hugs me.

"Hi." Then I hand Jessica to my mom. "Here's Jessica."

"Hi Miley!" Noah says excitedly, running over to me, then she hugs me.

"Hey Noah." Then I hug my dad after I greet Noah. "Thanks for watching Jessy, mom and dad."

"No problem, we were wanting to see her anyway." My mom says with a kind smile. "How are you?"

"Me? Oh, Psshh. I'm good. I mean, just having struggles ya know?" Then I tear up. "My marriage is ending." Then I start to cry and my dad looks at me sympathetically, then hugs me.

"No it isn't. You're just going through a rough patch. It'll get better." My dad says, trying to cheer me up.

"No, dad." Then we break away, and I take a big deep breath. "That's just it. It won't get better. Which sucks because I really love him."

"If you really love him you'll give him another chance." Noah says.

"No, Noah. I can't. I've given him too many chances already, he's just taking it for granted." Then I sigh.

"Okay...wanna go to your house then?" Noah replies.

"Actually I have a couple things to do before you come over. You'll just be bored. I'll text you when I'm done though. Okay?" Then she nods.

"I'll see you in a bit then."

"Okay Noah. Thanks again mom and dad. Love you." Then mom and dad smile.

"Love you too." My mom says.

"Love you Miles." Then I hug them again.

"Momma." Jessica says, reaching for me.

"It's okay Jessy, grandma and grandpa are gonna watch you for a bit." I say, then kiss her cheek. "Bye." Then I leave.

I was on my way home, when my phone started to ring. I ignored it and kept driving.

1:30 PM

When I got home I sat on the couch and checked my phone. It was a missed call from someone I never thought would call-- Liam. I sighed. I contemplated on whether or not I should call him back. I decided I shouldn't. For one because I have things to do. I don't need to listen to him whine to me over the phone about how we need to get back together. And he misses me. I'm done with all of that. I stood up and my doorbell rang. I sighed. Can't I get anything done? I thought to myself. I walked to the door and opened it. I was frozen when I saw what I saw.

"What Liam?" I ask, starting to unfreeze.


"No, ya know what? Forget I asked what. You need to leave." Then he walks in. "Don't you know what the word leave means, Liam?"

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