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November 13th, 2020
Miley's POV     

11:00 PM   

"Ugh, Noah I swear these babies are not coming!" I whine.

"Yes they will, calm cool and collected. They'll come soon enough."

"Not soon enough for me. I wanted to be done with this like, four hours ago."

"Miley, just relax." Noah says calmly.

"No. And they're lucky they gave me more epidural a few minutes ago. It was starting to hurt really bad. I mean, it still hurts bad...just not like before the epidural...and oh my god will these babies just please hurry the fuck up!"

"Miley, just calm down. I'm sure being upset isn't helping."

"Ow ow ow ow!" I say, holding my stomach. "Oh my god why am I not at ten centimeters yet?!" Then Dr. Walsh comes in.

"Hi Miley." Dr. Walsh says.

"Hi." I say, glaring.

"Don't take personally, she's in a bad mood. The babies are taking their sweet time." Noah says, then Dr. Walsh nods.

"Well, let's see if you've dilated anymore." Then she puts gloves on, and I spread my legs. "Well, you've been at eight centimeters for a while."

"Ugh." I say.

"But you jumped right to ten." She says, then smiles. Then I sigh in relief. "Let me go get a couple nurses and you can start pushing." Then she takes her gloves of and leaves.

"Noah...I can't do this." I say, nervous. "Let's go home."

"Miley, it's gonna happen whether you like it or not. I'm here for you." Noah says, being supportive. Then I nod.

"Will you hold my hand?"

"As long as you promise not to break it. Liam told me how strong of a grip you have."

"Noah, c'mon."

"Fine fine." She says, giving in. Then I hold her hand, and Dr. Walsh comes in with two nurses.

"Okay, Miley. These nurses will each hold a leg back for you. Ready?" Dr. Walsh says.

"No." I say, shaking my head.

"Well, it's time to start pushing. When I say push, push until I say ten okay?"

"Okay." I say, scared. I haven't done this in almost three years, and certainly not with twins. I was scared out of my mind.

"Miley, push." Then I squeeze Noah's hand, lean forward, and push. "Eight, nine, ten. Relax Miley." Then I relax.

"Ugh." I sigh.

"Okay, ready? We're gonna go again." She says.

"No, I'm not. But fine."

"Now push." I leaned forward again, and pushed while squeezing Noah's hand. "And stop." She says after she says ten. I sighed in relief, and closed my eyes.

"You're doing good Miley." Noah says in a supportive tone.

"Push Miley." Then I start pushing again. "I can see the baby Miley, wait, stop." Then I stop pushing.

"Why? What's wrong?" I ask.

"The baby is breech. You'll have to push harder now."

"Oh my god!" I complain.

"Okay, push hard now. One, two, three..." Then I push even harder than I was before, and this was hurting pretty bad. "Ten. Good job Miley, keep it up."

"God Noah, it hurts."

"Push Miley, this baby is almost out." Then I start pushing again. "You gotta push harder than that." Then I start pushing harder. When she tells me to stop, I rest my head back.

"You're doing great Miley, keep going." Noah says.

"Push as hard as you can, this should be the last push." When I was pushing, I felt the pain go somewhat away, and cries filled the room. A nurse put a towel on top of me, and Dr. Walsh put the baby on top of the towel. "It's a baby girl." I looked at her and started to cry. She was so small.

"Miley..." Noah says. "She's so..."

"Perfect." I say, finishing her sentence. Then the nurse takes her and goes to finish cleaning her off, then weigh and measure her.

"Okay Miley, time to get this second baby out." Dr. Walsh says, then I groan. Then the nurses hold my legs back again. "Ready? Push." Then I start pushing once again.

"Miley, good job." Noah says.

"Shut up!" I say while pushing. Then Dr. Walsh tells me to stop, so I rest. "I'm sorry Noah, it just hurts." Then I start crying again.

"It's okay."

"Push Miley, as hard as you can, this baby is breech too." While I was pushing, all I could think was that I couldn't wait to be able to hold them. So I kept pushing, every time she said to push. "One more push, c'mon." Then I push hard again, then I feel relief.

"Wait...why isn't the baby crying?" I ask.

"The umbilical cord is around its neck." Dr. Walsh answers, then I start to cry. "Hold on."

"Is the baby okay?" I was now really worried, I can't lose this baby.

"Not breathing." She says, then I start breathing quickly, almost hyperventilating. "Calm down Miley."

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"CPR, trying to get the baby breathing."

"It'll be okay Miley." Noah says, reasurring me. Then cries filled the room, and I sighed a big sigh of relief. Then Dr. Walsh puts the baby on top of the towel.

"It's a baby boy." Then I smile, still crying while looking at the small baby. Then a nurse takes him, goes to clean him off, weigh, and measure him.

After I delivered the placentas and the babies were cleaned off, I was still crying. I couldn't believe they were finally here. When I got to the recovery room, Dr. Walsh handed the babies to me.

"Baby girl was born November 13th, 11:09 PM. Weighing in at six pounds, six ounces. Twenty inches long. Baby boy was born November 13th, 11:13 PM. Weighing in at six pounds, eight ounces. Twenty inches long." Dr. Walsh says. "Congratulations, Miley." Then I smile.

"Thanks." I say. "Noah, wanna hold one?" I ask Noah, then she shakes her head.

"I- I don't know...I don't think so. I mean they're just- so small and fragile. I don't know..." She says nervously.

"Shut the hell up and take one." I command, then she she sighs and gives in. She takes the baby girl, and she smiles. "See? You're doing great."

"She's so cute." Then Noah smiles. "Now I have a nephew and another neice."

"Yup. Noah, can I have her back? Also, can you take a picture of us?"

"Of course." Then Noah carefully hands me the baby girl. Noah takes her phone, and takes a picture of me holding the twins. Then she does the same with my phone.

"They're perfect..." I say, tearing up. "Now to text Liam."

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