Stuck Like Glue

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April 11th, 2020
Miley's POV

I was just cleaning up lunch when I heard my phone ringing. I went into the living room where Jessica was playing and grabbed my phone. I was getting a video call from Liam.

"Hey babe." I say, answering.

"Hi. I was gonna call yesterday but when I got settled it was late over there."

"It's okay. I figured you needed sleep anyway. How's everything?"

"Fine, everything's fine. I miss you already though." He replies.

"I miss you too." Then I frown. "I swear this is gonna be forever until you're back."

"It's just four months. I'll be back before you know it."

"Yeah, I know. Wanna say hi to Jessica?"

"Of course." He says with a smile. I walk over to Jessica and sit on the floor next to her.

"Jessica say hi to daddy." Then she looks at the phone and smiles.

"Hi daddy!" Jessica says excitedly.

"Hi baby girl." Liam says, then I smile.

"Come home daddy." Jessica pleads.

"I will Jessy, soon. In four months."


"No Jessica daddy can't come home yet. He will though. But before he does we can talk with him like this." I explain to Jessica.

"Daddy." She says, starting to cry.

"C'mon Jessica don't cry." Liam begs. "I gotta go." Then I frown.

"Okay." I say. "Say bye to daddy, Jessica."

"Bye daddy." Jessica says, crying.

"Bye." I say.

"Bye Miley." Then we hang up.

"Okay Jessica let's go take a nap. I'm tired, you probably are too." Then she nods, still crying. "C'mon then." Then I stand up and pick her up.

"Mommy bed." Then she points to Liam's and my room.

"You wanna sleep with mommy? Will that cheer you up?" Then she nods. "Good."

"Yeah." She says. I take her to Liam's and my room and put her on the bed. I lie next to her and kiss her forehead.

"I love you Jessica Mae Hemsworth."

"Love you mommy." Then I smile. She hugs me tight and I hug her back. It wasn't too long before she and I both were asleep.

April 30th, 2020
Miley's POV

It's been a while since Liam and I have talked. He called the day after he left but that's it. He's probably just busy with his movie. I kept telling myself that. I want it to be true, but I'm not sure anymore. I just hope he's okay. I've tried calling, but I haven't gotten anything back. I've texted but he hasn't responded to that either. I'm seriously getting worried. I was lying in bed with my eyes closed when I heard the bedroom door being pushed open. I opened my eyes and looked on the floor, it was Jessica walking to the bed.

"Jessica?" I ask, sitting up. "What are you doing out of your crib?" Then I sit up. I was in pajamas last night because I got cold, so thankfully I wasn't naked or anything. I pick her up and put her on the bed in front of me.

"Hi mommy." Then I laugh.

"What are you doing out of your crib little miss?"

"I not tired." She says, then comes to me and I kiss her cheek before putting her on my lap.

"Oh, you woke up? Well you should've called for me, not got out of your crib."


"Because you aren't supposed to climb out of your crib."

"Why?" She asks again.

"Because you could fall and get hurt. Mommy doesn't want you to get hurt."

"Oh I sorry mommy."

"It's okay baby." I say, then kiss her head. I heard my phone ringing, so I took it off the charger and looked to see who it was. It was Liam video calling me, so I answer it.

"Hey babe." Liam says.

"Hi." I say with a smile, excited that he finally called.

"How are you? How's Jessica?"

"I'm good, she's good. She made a little jailbreak just now."

"A jailbreak?"

"She climbed out of her crib just a few minutes ago and came in our room to greet me." I explain.

"Wow, she is sure an escape artist huh? Good thing we have the house toddler proof."

"I know right." Then I show Jessica Liam on the phone. "Jessy say hi to daddy." Then Jessica smiles at big smile.

"Hi daddy!" She yells.

"Hi baby girl." Liam says to her with a smile. "Did you break out of your crib?"

"Yes I did." She answers.

"Did you go in mommy and daddy's room?"

"Yes I did."

"Are you a little escape artist?" Liam asks her.

"Yes I am." She says, then I laugh. I take the phone and face it back to me.

"I miss you both so much." Liam says to me.

"I know, we miss you too. Why haven't you called? Or at least texted?"

"Oh, right. Well I've been really busy with the movie and everything. And when I get time off its normally late over there."

"Isn't it like 5 AM there? It's 11 AM here. Why do you get the time to call now, but not later in the day? Don't you have breaks?"

"Yes Miley but you don't understand. I get breaks but only little ones and the ones I do get I take the time eating or getting ready for something else. And when I am done it's really late over there."

"It's 5 AM there right now." I say, irratated.

"I woke up just now. I have to get ready for filming."

"You promise that's all? Because I swear if you're cheating-"

"Miley Ray Cyrus. You should know better." Then I sigh.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I shouldn't just assume like I did. I feel horrible now."

"Don't feel horrible. It isn't your fault. I'd probably think the same thing if it were me. I realize because of last time you have trust issues with me going somewhere far for filming. But I can promise you that's all it is. Nothing else." He says. Then I nod.

"Thanks for calling. I was beginning to get worried."

"Sorry I worried you babe."

"I forgive you. Just please at least text me more. Even if I don't respond right away or vice versa. I need to know what's up and how you are."

"I promise."

"Okay." I reply. "You should probably get going huh?"


"Love you."

"Love you too Miley." He says.

"Jessica say bye to daddy." Then I point the phone to Jessica.

"Bye!" She says, waving.

"Love you both." Liam says to me, then I nod.

"We love you too." Then we end the call. At least now I know he's not cheating. He is only just filming and working.

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