I Knew I Loved You

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December 25th, 2020
Miley's POV    

It was Christmas today. The twins, Jessica, and I were at Liam's house with him. I figured since Liam is their father he deserves to spend Christmas with them. I figured we should do it at his house too, since every other occasion has been at my house.

"Merry Christmas." Liam says after he opens the door. "Want me to help?"

"Please." I say, then he takes the twins in their carseats into the house, and I walk in with Jessica.

"Did you bring their bassinets?"

"Yeah, they're in the car. They're just the portable ones."

"Okay, I'll grab them." He says, then he sets the carseats down on the coffee table by his couch.

"Here, will you lock my car when you're done?"

"Yeah." Then I hand him my keys.

When he returns with the bassinets, he puts them on the coffee table. They were the portable bassinets, so they were only the part where the babies sleep. I unbuckle Cecilia, then put her in one of the bassinets.

"Here, let me help." Then he unbuckles Leonardo and puts him in a bassinet also.

"Thanks." I say. "The carseats can just sit on the floor by the door." After he puts the carseats by the door, I pick up Jessica and sit on the couch.

"So, how have you been? I know haven't checked up on you in a few days. I've been busy, sorry."

"It's fine, I get it. TV show, filming. It takes a long time, and you gotta put some time into it or you don't do your best. I get it."

"You hate the fact I'm doing it, don't you?" He asks.

"No, of course not. Why would I hate it?"

"I'm not giving the twins or Jessica much attention. I get it, you want me to be there for the kids. But you gotta understand, I wanna do this."

"Liam, I know. I know you want to do this. And I'm letting you. I just..."

"You just...?"

"I just...never mind. It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does." He says, then sits next to me. I put Jessica on his lap and he kisses the top of Jessica's head. "Tell me."

"No, Liam. I said it doesn't matter. You wouldn't care anyway." Then my phone buzzes. I look at it, and saw I had a text from Tyler.

Tyler: Merry Christmas :)

Miley: Merry Christmas TJ

Tyler: Wanna hang out later? I'm at my parents' house right now but I'll be free in a couple hours

Miley: I can't actually. I'm with Liam and the kids. I want Liam to be able to see the kids for more than a couple hours

Tyler: I meant hang out together, alone. Can't Liam watch the kids?

Miley: I wanna be with the kids for Christmas too though. For more than a couple hours. Maybe tomorrow or something?

Tyler: Well, I guess. I kinda was hoping I could see you today

Miley: I know, I'm sorry

Tyler: It's okay. Some other time

Miley: Tomorrow?

Tyler: Yeah that'd be great. Thanks

Miley: Okay, bye. Merry Christmas again :)

Tyler: Merry Christmas :)

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