Say My Name

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November 14th, 2020
Miley's POV

I was holding the twins while Jessica sat on Liam's lap. Liam was sitting in a chair next to my bed.

"So I have brother and sister?" Jessica asks, then I nod.

"Yup, one of each. Isn't that good?" I answer.

"Yeah. Can I hold one?" She asks, then I sigh.

"Sorry Jessy, you're too young. You can't hold them yet."

"Why mommy?"

"They're really little and fragile. And you're just too little. Sorry."

"No fair." She whines, then frowns. Then the baby boy starts to cry. "Why he crying mommy?"

"I think he's hungry. Liam will you hold her?" Then Liam nods.

"Okay Jessica, you gotta get off my lap. I need to hold your sister." Liam tells Jessica. Then he stands up and puts Jessica on the floor, and he takes the baby girl from my arms.

"Mommy what you doing?"

"I gotta feed your brother." Then I take my right breast out of my gown. I hold the boy up to it and he starts to suck.

"Does it hurt?" Jessica asks, then I shake my head.

"Nope. It feels weird, but it doesn't hurt. I'm not used to it because I haven't done it in a long time. I did this when you were a baby."

"Really mommy?"

"Really really."

"Miley, you still have to name these two ya know. Just a reminder." Liam says, then I sigh. "What's wrong?"

"I know I gotta name them. I just don't know what."

"Weren't you thinking of anything before you went into labor? Like, weeks before?"

"No. I was gonna not too long from now, but they decided to show up early." I say, then start to burp the boy.

"Well, you gotta think of something."

"Don't you mean we?"

"What?" He asks.

"You heard me. I want your help."

"But, I'm not their dad."

"Yes you are. When I said all of that...that was when you were still an ass. You're not now, you're their dad." Then he smiles after I say that.

"Really?" He asks, and I nod with a smile.

"Yeah, I mean. C'mon, someone has to help me. And who would be better than the father of my babies?"


"Don't be thanking me, you don't need to. So, will you help?" I reply.

"Of course. When do we start?"

"Well, first, we need to switch." I say, noticing that the baby girl was starting to get fussy. "She's hungry now." Then we switch babies. I put my left breast inside my gown, then take my right breast out. I hold her up to my breast, and she starts to suck.

"So you haven't thought of any then?"

"Well, I thought of a couple. But I didn't know the babies' genders yet. So I thought of boy and girl names."

"What are they?" He asks.

"They're silly..."

"C'mon, tell me."

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