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May 21st, 2020
Miley's POV

"Miley-" Liam starts to say.

"Goodbye Liam." I say, then hang up. I put my phone down, sit on the couch, put my face in my hands and start crying my eyes out. My phone rings, but I'm scared to look at it. I didn't want it to be Liam. I pick up my phone off the coffee table and I look at the screen. It was Katie calling me. I answered the phone, still crying.

"Hey Katie." I say, my voice cracking.

"What's wrong Miley? Wait, I forgot if you told me about Liam and the pregnancy thing. Did you?"

"I told him I wasn't pregnant. He didn't believe me so I showed him the test. He was still mad though. But that's not what matters at the moment."

"So why are you crying then?" Katie asks, sounding worried.

"We're getting a divorce." I say, sobbing.

"Wait for real? Or is this gonna be another one where you change your mind and forgive him again?"

"For real. I uh...I can't do it anymore Katie."

"What happened this time?" Then I sigh.

"I took the pregnancy test, and it was negative. I showed Liam and he said he was glad. I asked him what could possibly be so bad if I really was pregnant. He said he doesn't want anymore. He said before he thought it'd be great. But he didn't want anymore now because Jessica is, and I quote, "too much to handle". So I asked him if he regrets Jessica...he said he regrets having her as soon as we did. He said he wanted to get married first and then have her. I told him we didn't really have a choice when I got pregnant. He said all she's ever done was get in our way. We've fought and almost divorced because of the stress. And he said she's only gonna get worse as she gets older. He doesn't want or apparently need any of it. And "she's just too much". He said he regrets her." I say, bawling into the phone.

"Oh my god. That's so shitty of him. Why did he even say all of that?"

"Because he was being truthful."

"How do you know he's even telling the truth?"

"I asked."

"You sure he wasn't just saying it because he was upset?"

"I'm sure, Katie. Besides, I called him today and wasn't happy. Now the divorce is for sure." Then she sighs.

"Oh boy...what did he say?"

"It's not really what he said. It's what she said."

"Wait what?" She asks, shocked,

"I called and he said it wasn't a good time to talk. I didn't care, so I kept talking. Until I heard a girl say something to him."

"What'd she say?"

"I honestly don't know. I was too upset to really listen. I asked who it was but he didn't tell me. I told him I'd bring the papers down there since he's apparently too busy to come back here. I told him when I got there I didn't wanna see one woman in that house." I reply.

"Wow. So this is really happening..." Then I clear my throat, and try to stop crying.

"Yeah, yeah it is. It'll be easier this time though, we did it once before so I remember how pretty much. And I talked with someone and they said as long as he's cooperative then we don't need to go to court. Hopefully he'll be cooperative with it."

"Yeah. Well. I'm here for you, whatever you need Miley. Just ask." She says kindly.

"Thank you so much. And I think I will need your help."

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