BB Talk

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October 13th, 2020
Miley's POV      

Today was another doctor appointment, and this time Liam was with me. He wanted to see the babies, which is fine with me. We were in the waiting room waiting, and Liam had a smile on his face. I rolled my eyes and looked at my phone. I dropped off Jessica at my parents' house so Noah could watch her. She said she could, but Ethan would be there. I didn't mind, Ethan was a cool guy.

"Miley." A man says, calling my name. I get up and follow him to a room with Liam behind me. He weighed me and took my blood pressure, and handed me a gown. "Put this on, Dr. Walsh will be right in." Then he leaves.

"Okay." I say.

"Okay what?" Liam asks, then I motion for him to turn around.

"Turn around. I know you've seen it all before but I don't care. I'm fatter than when I was pregnant with Jessica. And we aren't together anymore, may I remind you."

"Fine, but you aren't fat." Then he turns around, and I put the gown on.

"You can turn back around now." I say.

"Want help up?" Then I nod, and he helps me up on the table. "Why do you have to wear a gown?"

"You don't remember from when I was pregnant with Jessica?" Then he shakes his head. "I have to wear a gown because she needs to start checking my cervix. To see if I'm dilating at all."

"Wait, what happens if you're dilating?" He asks.

"If it's only up to like, three it's fine. But she said if it's more than three then it's considered labor."

"What are you at?"

"Last time it was zero. I'm hoping it stays that way until I'm full term." I answer.

"Forty weeks, right?"

"Actually she said with twins it's like, thirty-eight weeks is full term, because they're twins. She said anything under thirty-eight weeks is considered premature."

"Oh." Then Dr. Walsh comes in.

"Hi Miley." She says.


"Hi Liam."

"Hey." Liam replies.

"Are you letting him see the babies? This is the first time, right?"

"Yeah." I answer.

"So you're thirty-one weeks now?"


"Okay, go ahead and lie back and put your feet in the stirrups."

"Liam, north of the equator." I say, then he gets up by my head. Then I lie back, and put my feet in the stirrups.

"I'm going to check your cervix and see if you're dilating at all." Then I nod. She puts her hand inside me a little ways and I close my eyes because it feels uncomfortable. "You're still not dilating at all, which is fine because you're only thirty-one weeks." She says.

"Okay. Thanks."

"No problem. Let's do an ultrasound now." Then I put my feet down and just lie down, and she covers me with a blanket before lifting my gown. She squirts the warm goo on my stomach. She moves the wand around on my stomach and I look on the screen and see the babies.

"Wow." Liam says, shocked.

"Okay, I'd like to see you next week. I know it's probably getting pretty boring to keep having to come, but I want to keep monitoring the babies." Dr. Walsh says, then I nod.

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