Oh My Love

142 6 2

May 23rd, 2020
Miley's POV     

12:00 PM  

I made an appointment to go see Dr. Walsh. I'm surprised I got in when I did. I was at home, waiting for it to be time to leave. I was anxious, I didn't know how I was feeling exactly. I guess I'm nervous, scared, anxious, and somewhat ready. I was ready to do this not only because I feel like it's the right choice. Also because I felt like I needed to do this. I honestly couldn't believe my choice personally, being that I have a two year old already. I figured I'd probably keep them, give Jessica younger siblings. But I can't, I'm not ready for more babies. And certainly not with Liam. Again, this was an accidental pregnancy. I really need to be more careful. I gotta really watch it. Because now that I think about it-- back in March when I got pregnant, we didn't use protection. If I do believe so, the only time we didn't use protection is when he came over that one time and we accidentally had sex, when I was supposed to be with Noah. I'm guessing that's when I got pregnant. It only makes sense. Nothing else makes sense other than that.

While I was impatiently waiting for it to be time to leave, I got a text. It was from Liam. Go figure.

Liam: Miley look I'm sorry I wish I hadn't done it I don't even know why I did

Liam: Miley I'm sorry, really. I am

Liam: I swear I'll never do it again

Liam: I know you said you wanted a divorce before that happened, and I'm sure this made you wanna get one even more.

Liam: Miley I'm sorry okay I swear this won't happen again

Liam: I know I've cheated before but, c'mon Miley. You did too!!

Liam: Answer my texts Miley

That's it, I'm so close to blocking his number. But I can't, I have to keep in contact so we can figure things out about the divorce and custody of Jessica.

Liam: I'm sorry. I wish you'd answer me and tell me it's okay

Well it wasn't okay. None of it is okay. I can't believe he said he regrets Jessica and I can't believe he cheated on me again. And while he was away again! What? Does he think when we're apart from each other we aren't married? Well it'll be true soon. As soon as we both sign the papers and everything becomes official. I'm so done with him. With Liam. With men altogether. They suck, I can't believe he did this to me again. I can't believe I trusted him. But I did because he's Jessica's father, and was my caring, loving husband. Key word is was. Not anymore, ever. And I'll never ever give him another chance. I can't believe I have to give up not one, but two babies of mine because of him. If this didn't happen- if he didn't say he regretted Jessica or cheat, it'd be all fine. But no, he's gotta be an ass. Why did I even trust him? How did I even trust him? It's a puzzle to me. It's probably his looks, and how he acts. Well, how he acted. He used to be so kind and caring. What happened to him? I hated to admit this, but...I kinda still love him. There's a sliver of love for him in me. I don't think it'll ever go away. I think I'll always love him. I don't know how or why, probably because he's Jessica's father...but that's it. He might be a father, but he sure isn't a dad. He isn't and will never be a dad. Dads don't go around and say they regret their own child. I'm so done with him, yet I had that sliver of love...

I was now lying on the couch on my back, looking at the ceiling. I hear my phone ring, and I grab it off the coffee table.

"Liam, leave me alone." I mumble to myself, then I decline the call. I put my phone back down and lie on my back again. I hear it ring again, and I quickly sit up, and grab the phone and answer it, fuming with rage. "What?!" I yell.

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