Falling Down

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May 23rd, 2020
Miley's POV     

"Listen Miley. I'm sorry for what I did but you need to listen to me."

"Oh my god what could be sooo important?"

"It's Liam. He's been in an accident." Jennifer says over the phone. Then my heart stopped.

"What?" I ask, shocked. I didn't wanna believe it. I wanted it to be a trick. It'd be a horrible, sick, twisted trick. But it'd be better than being true. I don't care if we're getting a divorce. As of right now, he's still my husband. And I don't care what anyone says...I still love him, at least a little.

"I know you're in LA right now, and you probably can't even get down here, but-"

"I'm gonna be leaving soon."


"No, Jennifer. I don't care. I'm leaving soon, and I'll be there as soon as I can. How is he?"

"I don't know, they won't let me see him. I'm not family. I got a call from Chris. He found Liam. He tried calling you I guess but he said you didn't answer." She says.

"I bet that's what the vibration was earlier. I must've not been paying attention...wait."

"What Miley?"

"You said Chris found him. What does that mean? No one else was with him or what? What the hell kind of accident was it?"

"Chris said he found Liam on the living room floor of Liam's house that he was staying in passed out. He only said that. But he sounded shook up. Like he saw something else. He won't tell me though." She answers.

"Um-" I say, trying not to cry. "I'll be there ASAP. Keep me updated. Bye." Then I hang up.

"Everything alright?" Dr. Walsh asks me.

"Liam was in an accident." I say, worried.

"Do you want to do the procedure then go?"

"How long will it take?"

"The procedure will take about twenty minutes, but for you to recover a bit before you can leave will be about an hour." Then I shake my head.

"I can't, I need to go. I'm sorry." I say quickly.

"It's alright. You can schedule another appointment. Make sure it's before sixteen weeks, or I can't do it."


"I'll leave you to get dressed. If you want you can even make an appointment down there, if you have to stay a while."


"No problem." She says kindly. She leaves, and I get up and quickly get dressed. I leave the building and rush to my car. I'm driving to Luke and Katie's house, many thoughts were rushing through my head.

What if he's badly hurt? What could've happened? Did he just pass out? Did he drink too much? What if it's because of me? What if it's because I won't let him have custody of Jessica? I'd feel so bad if he drank too much because of this. When I got to Luke and Katie's house, I quickly ran up to the door while my car was still running. I bang on the door, crying. Luke opens it, and looks at me strange.

"Hi Miley...?" He says, confused. "I thought you were gonna call when you were gonna pick her up."

"I need Jessica. Now." I demand. Then Katie appears next to Luke, holding Jessica.

"What's up Miley?"

"I need Jessica. I have to go to Australia. Now." Then Katie raises her eyebrows.

"Why...?" Katie asks, looking extremely confused.

"Just give me my daughter. I need to go to Australia." I say sternly.

"You are not okay to drive right now. I'll take you to the airport in your car, and just drive it back here." Then I nod, starting to cry.

"What wrong mommy?" Jessica asks me. Then Katie hands me Jessica, and goes and gets her bag.

"Nothing baby. We're just gonna go on a trip." Then I walk to my car. Luke takes Jessica's carseat out of Katie's car and puts it in mine. Then Katie puts Jessica's bag in the back. I put Jessica in the back and hug Katie, then Luke. "Thanks for watching her you guys."

"No problem." Luke says, then looks at me sympathetically. "Whatever is going on right now, I'll be here for you both. Katie hasn't told me anything, don't worry. But once you're ready to tell me, I'll be here." Then he hugs me.

"We'd better go." Katie says, then I nod. I get in the passenger seat of my car, and Katie gets in the driver's seat. We buckle up and she starts driving to the airport.

Once we got there, Katie parked. I took Jessica out, and started walking into the building. Katie stopped me when we got inside.

"Miley, would you like to tell me what the hell is going on right now? I deserve an explanation, being that I drove you here." Then I take a big deep breath, and start crying.

"Liam got in an accident. I don't know what happened. All I know is that he's in the hospital. Chris found him passed out on the living room floor of Liam's house where he's staying. I gotta get there and see if he's okay."

"Wait, did you...ya know." Katie says, referring to me getting the abortion.

"No, I got the call right before she was gonna start. I had her stop, and I left."

"Are you keeping them?"

"I don't honestly know right now."

"Are you gonna at least tell him?"

I don't know." I say, sobbing.

"Mommy where we going?" Jessica asks.

"Just on a little trip. We'll get home again when we're done soon."

"Okay." Then I close my eyes.

"Miley? You okay?" Katie asks, worried. Then I feel weird. I stumble back, and Katie grabs Jessica out of my arms, sets her down and catches me before I land on my back. "Miley? Miley, Miley. C'mon Miley, seriously this isn't funny." She says to me.

"Katie...I don't- I don't feel- right." I say, trying to speak. It was hard for me to even talk. I felt like I was paralyzed.

"What are you all standing there for? Someone call 911!" Katie yells at the people standing around. Jessica walks to me and sits by Katie. Katie was kneeling on the floor, holding me up so my head wasn't on the floor.

"Mommy?" Jessica asks, starting to cry.

"I'm fine." I say, weak.

"Miley stay awake. Miley please." Katie begs, and I close my eyes. "Miley please, Miley. Oh my god please Miley stay awake. Please Miley. For Jessica, for me, for Liam. Stay awake. C'mon Miley." Then I open my eyes and look at Jessica.

"Mommy I love you." Jessica says, crying. Then I hold Jessica's hand.

"I love you too Jessy." I say, then close my eyes again.

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