Let It Go

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March 3rd, 2020
Miley's POV    

"...Liam...?" I ask shocked. He was right there, standing right in front of me in the living room by the door.

"Dada!" Jessica yells. She runs over to Liam and he picks her up.

"Hi..." He says slowly.

"What are you doing here?"

"I live here...don't I?"

"No, well, yes. But that wasn't my point. My point was what are you doing here because I thought you were done with me."

"Me?" He asks. "I thought you were done with me."

"I was. And I still am. I'm still mad at you. And..."

"And...?" Then I take a deep breath. Here it goes...

"And I think...I think we might be...done." I say, tearing up.

"What? Done? Done with what? Our...relationship?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry Liam. I just can't have you doing this all the time. Leaving, making me wonder if you are ever gonna come back. I can't keep telling our daughter that daddy is gonna come back...when I don't know if you actually are or not. I can't keep giving our daughter false hope."

"No, c'mon Miley. You don't mean this. You're just upset. C'mon. Please. I love you, Miley."

"No, Liam. You obviously don't love me, if you're doing what you're doing. And you don't love Jessica. Otherwise you wouldn't be giving her false hope."

"Miley, I do. I do love her. And I love you. And I made a huge mistake. One of the biggest mistakes of my life. I can't believe I did what I did. Please, Miley. Please forgive me."

"No, Liam." I say, tears rolling down my cheek. "No. I'm sorry. But, I can't keep doing this. I know, it's gonna be hard for everyone...but it has to be this way. Liam I can't do this anymore. I'll let you see Jessica, though. I promise you'll still getting to see her. I mean, that is if you even want to."

"Miley..." Then he starts to tear up.

"Liam I'm sorry but I can't. No. Can you just...leave?"

"I will, but only because I don't wanna start another fight." Then he hands me Jessica.  "I love you Jessy." Liam says, then kisses Jessica's head.

"Dada." Jessica says, starting to cry. She reaches out for Liam, but he backs up.

"I love you Miley." Then he turns around and leaves.

"I love you too Liam." I say under my breath. "I'm sorry Jessica." I say to Jessica.

"Dada." She cries. "Dada." Then she reaches for the door. I look out the window, and he was just driving out of the driveway.

"I'm sorry Jessica but daddy isn't being a good daddy or husband right now."

Then I put her on the floor. I sit on the couch and grab my phone. I see I have a text from Noah. She seems like the only person that cares at the moment.

Noah: Hey Miley how are you doing? Mom and dad want to know

I guess mom and dad care too.

Miley: I guess I'm fine, actually no. I'm horrible. Absolutely horrible.

Noah: Care to elaborate?

Miley: Well Liam just showed up

Noah: Oh my god!! Really?!

Miley: Yeah. He came to "apologize" apparently. I just. UGH!! I told him to leave

Noah: Why?!! I thought you were gonna work it out!!

Miley: I never said that. I just wish I could trust him

Noah: But you can!

Miley: No, Noah. I can't. It's too hard to trust him. How do I know he isn't gonna do the same shit he already has?

Noah: Just TRY to trust him ONCE MORE

Miley: I can't Noah. I can't because I don't wanna hurt Jessy

Noah: I feel like if you gave him another chance he wouldn't mess up

Miley: How? And you don't know that he won't fuck up again

Noah: Could you just please just give him a chance?

Miley: I've given him too many already. I don't want him anymore. I hate saying that. Because I do want him. But I can't let him hurt Jessica or me

Noah: Omg Miley just give him ONE MORE CHANCE Miley PLEASE!!

Miley: Noah you know I can't. Why do you keep telling me I should?

Noah: Because! Ugh you just need to

Miley: Noah Lindsay Cyrus I can't! You of ALL people should know!!

Noah: I can't believe you're being this way

Miley: Seriously? You think I'M THE one out of line? YOU are!! Please Noah just leave me alone about this

Then I put my phone down. Soon later I hear my phone getting texts like crazy.

Noah: Miley I'm sorry

Noah: Don't be mad at me

Noah: I'm sorry Miley I didn't mean to push it that far

Noah: I understand if you're mad just please don't ignore me

Miley: If you wouldn't be so pushy on my giving him ANOTHER chance maybe I wouldn't ignore you

Noah: Okay I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that

Miley: It's fine

Noah: Okay. I'll let you go. Bye

Miley: Bye

Then I put my phone down down again. I rest my head on the back of the couch and close my eyes.

"Momma. Momma." I hear Jessica say. I opened my eyes and she's standing by me, shaking my leg.

"Hi Jessica. What's up baby?"

"I hungry."

"Oh I'm sorry. I must've fallen asleep. Let's get you some food." Then I stand up, and pick her up. I take her to her highchair and put her in it. "What would you like?"

"Fruit!" Then I smile.

"Okay." Then I cut her up some fruit and put it in a bowl. I put the bowl on her highchair and she started to eat the fruit.

I walked into the living room to get my phone and walked back to the kitchen. I sat on a chair by Jessica and scrolled through Instagram. The paparazzi caught a picture of Liam's car at the house, so they still think we're together thankfully. I posted a picture of Jessica eating since I haven't posted in a while. I got lots of likes and comments instantly. Some comments were about Jessica, but some were others I didn't wanna see-- they were asking about Liam and me. I ignored them and put my phone down. I didn't wanna think about him. But I couldn't help it. I couldn't stop thinking about him coming over. Did I make a mistake? Should I have given him another chance? No. No Miley. You can't, you've given him too many chances already. He doesn't deserve another chance...right?

Maybe I should. Just once more? No. I can't. And I won't.

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