Hold on for Dear Love

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July 15th, 2020
Miley's POV

I decided I was gonna tell everyone else- the world- today. I got my ultrasound pictures and set them on the dining room table. I grabbed my phone, and took a picture. Then I went into the bathroom, lifted my shirt, and took a picture of my baby bump. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. I put the pictures together in a collage, and went on Instagram. I chose the picture, and took a deep breath before I started typing.

Hey guys. In case you're wondering, yes, that's my stomach. And yes, those are my ultrasound pictures. I'm pregnant again...but this time with twins. I know a lot of you might think it's crazy, which it is. The babies weren't planned, like Jessica. But babies are never a mistake. Sometimes a big surprise and or shock, but NEVER a mistake. I'm going to have them, and raise them the best I can. I'm 20 weeks pregnant. I know it looks like the bump should be bigger, but the babies are located towards the back, I'm not carrying them in front. But the doctor said they're at the right size so far. I did have a scare earlier. I fell in the airport, because I was dehydrated. The babies' heartbeats were low, but they're good now. Liam is still in Australia filming, and I'm making new music. Hopefully I'll put out a new album next year. I just won't tour until the babies are older. I'm due December 29th of this year. I'm scared and excited all at once. I have no idea how it's going to go, yet I'm excited to meet them. I won't find out the genders until they're born, I want it to be a surprise. I know I'm probably going to get a LOT of hate for being pregnant again. But good vibes only! And haters gonna hate, but I'm proud of who I've become! I'm an amazing mom, and I'm happy for who I am. Flood the comment section with good/bad comments, I'll only pay attention to the love! Love love love! ~Miley

After I posted that on Instagram, I sent a link to it on Twitter. And I posted the same thing on Facebook. I looked down at my stomach and sighed. I hope this is all gonna be okay. I have no idea what do do about the divorce though, how to tell everyone. Probably just how I posted that I was pregnant again. Now I'll go out in public and have tons of questions from the paparazzi. I'm surprised no one has noticed I wasn't wearing my wedding ring anymore. My stomach will probably take focus now that everyone knows I'm pregnant. I was terrified more than ever right now. I didn't wanna give birth to these babies alone. Technically I guess I'm not, I'll have Noah. But I don't wanna raise Jessica or the twins without Liam. I have to though, I don't want to and can't give him anymore chances. He'll think it's okay to do what he's done, which it isn't and will never be okay with me. I still can't believe I'm pregnant again. I finally accepted it, and I'm happy, but I'm still shocked. The one time we don't use a condom...I guess that happened with Jessica though, so I guess it only takes one time.

While I was on my phone scrolling through Instagram, I heard a knock at the door. I raised an eyebrow and got up.

"Who is it mommy?" Jessica asks.

"I don't know, we aren't expecting anyone." I say confused. Then I walk to the door. I open it, and Liam is standing in the doorway. I roll my eyes, and sigh. "What Liam?" I ask, already irratated.

"Daddy!" Jessica says excitedly, then runs to Liam. Liam picks her up and kisses her cheek.

"Hi Jessica. Have you been good for mommy?" Liam asks her.

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