Bye Bye Bye

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April 10th, 2020
Miley's POV

I was at my parents picking up Jessica. Today was the day Liam is going to leave for Australia. I wanted him to say goodbye to Jessica too, so I came to pick her up. I can't believe he's gonna be gone for so long. Hopefully we can video chat and talk quite a bit. I'll miss him so much, and I know Jessica will miss him a lot too. I'm happy he got this role though. And if it becomes a TV show that'll be great.

"Thank you so much for watching her." I tell my parents. "Thanks Noah for helping."

"You're welcome. We're always glad to watch her." My mom says.

"Yeah it was cool hanging out with my niece. She's so adorable." Noah says, then I smile.

"Yeah I know. I'd better get going though. Liam has to leave soon." Then they nod, and I take Jessica out of Noah's arms. "Bye."

"Bye." They all say before I leave.

I put Jessica in her carseat and buckled her up. I get in the driver's seat and buckle myself up. I started my car and started to drive to Liam's and my house. When I got there I unbuckled Jessica and went inside. Liam was on the couch with some bags packed by the couch. I teared up looking at him.

"What's wrong babe?" Liam asks me, getting up and walking to me.

"Nothing. It's just that I'm gonna miss you." Then he takes Jessica out of my arms after he wipes my tears away from my eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Miley. But you told me I gotta do this."

"Because you have to. If it's supposed to be as great as it sounds, I want you in it." Then he kisses me.

"I know. I wanna be in it too. I'm gonna miss you and Jessy a lot though."

"We're gonna miss you too. Just, make sure you video chat with me as much as you can. I'm sure Jessica will appreciate it." Then he nods and kisses Jessica on her head.

"I'd better get going..."

"Mhm. Have a safe trip. Call me or video call me as soon as you get there and get settled." I tell him.

"Don't worry, Miley. I will." Then I sigh. "Don't miss me too much. I'll be back before you know it." Then he kisses me.

"Okay. Bye." I say, then Liam hands me Jessica. "Say bye to daddy Jessica."

"Bye daddy." Jessica says, waving to him.

"Bye." Liam says, then kisses Jessica on the cheek, and kisses me on the lips. "Take care of Jessica for me." Then I smile and nod.

"I will. Jessica will help, right Jessica?"

"Yeah!" Jessica says, clapping her hands.

"Okay, I really gotta go now. Bye." Then Liam kisses me once more.

"Bye." Then he walks out the door with his bags. I look out the window with Jessica in my arms. I see Liam put his bags in his car before he got in. As he drove away, I started to cry. I just got Liam back, and now he's leaving again.

I put Jessica on the floor and grab my phone. I unlock my phone and see I have a text from Katie.

Katie: Is Liam gone?

Miley: He just left, why?

Katie: How's Jessica?

Miley: She's fine now. When it's time for bed she'll wanna say goodnight to him but I'll explain to her that he's going to be gone for a while

Katie: Well hopefully she doesn't miss Liam too much

Miley: I don't think she will. Not as much as me anyway lol

Katie: Yeah, well don't you miss him too much

Miley: I know I know. I'll try. But we just got back together not too long ago. It sucks he left but I wanted him to do it

Katie: Yeah. & didn't you say it could get turned into a TV show??

Miley: Yeah. And Liam will star in it. So I'm happy for him

Katie: Awesome. I'm happy for him :) so do you have plans for tonight?

Miley: No, I just figured I'd hang out with Jessica until it's bedtime. I need to just be home

Katie: Okay. Well I hope you have a good night

Miley: I'll try. It'll be hard without Liam here. But I'll have Jessica so it's okay

Katie: That's good that you'll at least try. Night :)

Miley: Night :)

Then I put my phone down. I looked at Jessica, she was playing with toys. I sighed, and just watched her. Liam's gone. I kept saying to myself. Why'd you let him leave? I ask myself. What if he cheats like last time? That thought made me upset. You just got your relationship back on track. What if he does though? I can't think about that. He won't cheat. He won't.

Later after Jessica played, I made her and me dinner. After she and I ate, I put her in bed and read her a bedtime story.

"Mommy?" Jessica asks before I turn her light off. She stood in her crib and reached out to me.

"Hmm?" I ask her.

"Where daddy?"

"He's gone for a while, Jessica. He'll be back later. He's gone doing some work."


"Because he got asked to do a movie." I say, walking over to her crib.

"I want daddy."

"I know baby, me too. But he's gotta do it. It'll be good for him. He'll be back."


"No, not now."

"Soon?" She asks.

"Well, a few months...but if you think about it, it's better than years. And sooner. So I guess soon. Now it's bedtime, Jessy. Goodnight." Then I kiss her head.

"Night mommy." Then I smile and shut her light off before leaving her room.

I went and got undressed and got into bed even though it was early. I looked at my phone and looked at Instagram. Lying there the thoughts kept racing in my mind...what if he cheats? What if we don't talk a lot? What if our relationship fails again? While I was lying there, I became tired thinking of those thoughts. So I plugged my phone in and feel asleep.

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