You Can't Always Get What You Want

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February 5th, 2020
Miley's POV

Liam and I haven't seen each other in about a month, and it's been killing me. Not seeing my husband. And I promised Jessica he'd come back, but he hasn't yet. We've only seen each other that one time at Lucas and Katie's house since he left. I can't believe he's been gone this long. Jessica cries a lot because he isn't here, which makes me upset too. I hate seeing Jessica cry. That's almost the worst thing in the world. Right next to Liam not being here. I'm really worried our relationship is gonna come to an end. I don't want that, I just want everything to work out. I can't lose Liam, not again. He's my everything, so is Jessica. And Jessica needs her dad. I was sitting on the couch watching Jessica play with her toys, I was also texting Noah.

Noah: So you haven't talked to Liam since he left?

Miley: I haven't, only that one time I told you about at Luke and Katie's house. Other than that I haven't talked to him

Noah: Have you tried texting or calling him?

Miley: Yeah both. But he won't answer my calls or reply to my texts

Noah: How's Jessy handling all of this?

Miley: Not good. She cries a lot, asking for "dada" and it makes me so upset. I hate seeing her cry

Noah: I bet. I'm sure he'll come back though. Just give him time to cool off

Miley: Really? He needs longer than a month to cool off? Something doesn't seem right here. Idk why but I feel like there's something going on

Noah: Calm down, you're just over thinking things. I'm sure he's just trying to cool off and he's probably trying to come up with a way to win you back

Miley: What'll win me back is him coming home. I don't care if he doesn't do anything I just want him back

Noah: I know, I'm sure you do. Hey, why don't we get your mind off of it and go out to lunch?

Miley: I don't know where Jessy would go. No one will take her without a heads up

Noah: Why can't she come with?

Miley: You'd be fine with that?

Noah: Well duh she's my niece. Of course I'd be fine!! Bring her I wanna see her anyway. Wanna meet at that vegan restaurant?

Miley: Okay and sure. I'll get ready and meet you there

Noah: K. See you soon

Miley: See you soon. Bye

Noah: Byeee

Then I put my phone down.

"Jessy wanna go to lunch with aunt Noah? You do don't you?" Then she smiles.

"Yeah!" Then I pick her up and take her to her room. I put her on the changing table and dress her into a red shirt with black pants. I put her hair in pigtails with red bows in them.

"Look you're matching." I say, then kiss her cheek.

I took her into the living room and put her down. I got dressed, then I picked up her toys and put them away so the dogs wouldn't chew them up. I got my keys and phone then picked up Jessica. I walked out the door and locked the house up. Then I walked to my car and put Jessica in her carseat and buckled her up. I got in the driver's seat and buckled up. I started the car and started driving to the restaurant. When I got there, Noah was waiting for me. I got out of the car with Jessica and locked the car.

"Sorry we're late. I had to change her and I had to change. Then I had to pick up her toys." I say to Noah, walking up to the doors where she was.

"Miley it's fine, I just got here about five minutes ago."

"Okay, I'm glad I'm not too late. Wanna head in?" Then she nods.

When we walk in we get seated. I got Jessica in one of the highchairs that the restaurant has. We looked at the menu and I looked at the kid's menu too. I ordered Jessica a vegan tortilla and some juice. I ordered myself some vegan spring rolls. Noah ordered soup and rice. When the food got to our table everything looked delicious. I cut Jessica's food into smaller bites so she could eat it easier. While we were eating, I could've swore I saw Liam. I took a double take, and sure enough it was him. Eating lunch...with Megan Fox? What the fuck?

"Noah. Look." Then I nonchalantly nod towards Liam.

"Is that-?"

"Yes. And he's with Megan Fox." I whisper.

"What the heck why?"

"Obviously because he's into her, not me anymore."

"I doubt that." Noah says. "He loves you."

"Then why is he with Megan Fox, and why hasn't he answered my calls or texts? Hmm?"

"Calm down, maybe he's just hanging out with her." Then I see them kiss, and I tear up. "Don't worry Miley, it's just stupid. He'll come around."

" he won't...because I'm done. I'm done with him. I can't be thinking he's gonna come back, then when I go out with my little sister I see him kissing another girl." Then I shake my head. "I'm done. I'm not gonna wait around for him. And Jessica doesn't need hope for something that isn't gonna happen." Then I put money on the table, and get up.

"Miley-" Noah tries to say, but I interrupt her.

"No, Noah. I'm sorry." Then I pick Jessica up. "I'll text you later." Then Jessica turns her head towards Liam.

"Dada." Then she reaches her hand towards him.

"No baby, he's busy." Then I start to walk out of the restaurant and Jessica starts to cry.

"Dada dada." She says while crying. I walk out of the restaurant and walk towards my car.

"Miley." I hear a voice behind me. It sounded too familiar.

"What Liam?" I ask, irratated.

"Please, forgive me." He begs,

"What the fuck? No. I literally just saw you kiss her. You can't be serious. You're a real asshole and idiot if you think I'm gonna forgive you right now." Then I move Jessica to my other arm. "I can't believe you're doing this."

"Doing what?"

"Pretending to love me when you obviously don't. You're giving our daughter false hope. I've been telling her you're gonna come back. You're not. I seriously have to break the news to our two year old that daddy isn't coming back. It's all your fault. If you wouldn't be such an ass, this wouldn't be happening!"

"Shut up, I'm not as much of an ass than you! You're a bigger one!" Then Jessica starts to cry more.

"You just made our daughter cry. Are you happy about that?"

"No, I wanna come back."

"Too bad. You can go stay at Megan's. Your new girl." Then I turn and walk towards my car.

"I still love you." Then I stop, but don't turn around.

"No, you don't. If you did, you wouldn't be doing this." Then I walk to my car, and put Jessica in her carseat. I get in the driver's seat and buckle up. I look out the window, and Liam is standing by the restaurant doors. I shake my head, and start the car.

When I got home with Jessica, I put her on the floor and I gave her a few toys. I sat on the couch, and looked at my phone. There was a text from Noah.

Noah: Miley I'm sorry Liam is an ass. You deserve better

I ignored it. I didn't wanna talk about him. I don't even wanna think about him...I don't even wanna see him...

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