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March 8th, 2020
Miley's POV

When I got to my parents house, I walked up to the door slowly. I rang the doorbell, and soon later Noah opens the door.

"Hi Miley!" She says excitedly, then gives me a bug hug.

"Hey." I greet back.

"Well come in, don't just stand there." She says, then I smile and walk in the house. Mom and dad walked into the living room when I stepped into the living room. Noah shut the door and walked over to my parents.

"Hi Miley." My dad says, then hugs me.

"Hi." My mom says, then hugs me too.

"Why'd you come here? Not that I don't want you here. But why?" Noah asks me.

"Liam came over." Then her eyes light up.

"Oh." My mom says.

"Yeah. He wanted to see Jessica so I said he could. He's there watching her right now."

"Why'd you come here? Don't you want to watch Liam?" My dad asks, then I shake my head.

"No, I trust him. And the reason I came here is because I told Liam I wanted a divorce."

"How'd he take it?" Noah asks.

"Well, he got really upset. Like, not mad or anything but he got upset. He wanted another chance so badly but I told him I couldn't keep doing it. I hated us fighting. I told him the only way we'll partially get along is if we weren't together. We fight too much when we're together."

"So...it's really happening then huh?"

"I'm sorry Noah, but yeah. It is."

"Well, when will it be done? When will it be official?" Dad asks.

"We still have to set everything up, but we were planning on soon." I answer, then I sigh. "I should probably get back." Then everyone nods.

"Bye." My dad says, then hugs me. After everyone hugged me, I got in my car, I buckled up, started the car, and drove away.

When I got to Liam's and my house, I went inside. I didn't see them in the living room, so I went into the kitchen. Liam was sitting in a chair feeding Jessica.

"Hey." Liam says. "How'd it go with your family?"

"Well, they asked how you took it and I said you were upset. I told them I wanted it done soon." I reply. "How has Jessy been?" Then I kiss Jessica's head.

"Okay. And she's been good. She got hungry so I cut up some fruit. She really likes fruit." Then I laugh.

"She does. She's like me." Then Liam smiles at Jessica.

"Yeah." Then he sighs.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. It's nothing."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure. Besides, it isn't that big of a deal."

"Okay." I say, then Jessica reaches to me.

"Momma!" She shouts.

"What? Are you full?" I ask her, then she nods.

"I'll clean up her highchair." Liam says, then I pick up Jessica and put her on the floor.

"There Jessy go play." Then she walks off to the living room where some of her toys were. "Thanks." I say to Liam after he finishes cleaning off her highchair.

"No problem. So uh, we gotta file for divorce..."

"Yeah, I know. Then we gotta make a court date."

"And decide on who gets custody of Jessy." He adds.

"Mhm..." Then I sigh. "I can't believe this is happening...I thought this was gonna be it. This was gonna be the time we stayed together forever."

"I know, me too."

"But we can't keep fighting. And it's better for Jessica that we split so we stop fighting around her. Besides, we'll get along better when we're not together all the time." I say.

"Yeah, I don't want Jessy to be unhappy."

"Neither of us do."

"I should go to Luke and Katie's to get some of my other clothes I left there." Then I nod.

"Okay, see you in a while." Then he leaves. I look at Jessica. She was on the floor playing with some blocks. I walk over to the couch and sit down. I get out my phone and I had a text from Noah.

Noah: Miley when are you gonna file for divorce with Liam?

Miley: Soon. We're gonna talk about it later. He left to get some clothes

Noah: Why?

Miley: Because I said he could stay here until the divorce was final and he had a place to live. He didn't wanna keep staying with people. And he wanted to be with Jessica more so I said he could stay here

Noah: I'm gonna bet you 1,000,000 dollars that once he starts living with you again and you go to get a divorce you guys won't want to!!

Miley: Noah it isn't like that. I'm being nice and telling him he can stay here. Besides he's not gonna be sleeping in the bed. He'll be sleeping on the couch

Noah: Okayyy sureee I'm sureee you won't wanna get back together. I'm sureee you'll wanna stay separated

Miley: Noah stop it. We're getting a divorce and that's how it's gonna be whether you like it or not. It's my life not yours

Noah: Okay okay holy cow Miley. I'll let you go

Miley: Okay good

Noah: Geez. Why the bad attitude?

Miley: I'm just stressed okay?

Noah: I'd be stressed to if the love of my life and I were getting a divorce. I mean, you and Liam were like the best couple. You guys were so cute. I can't believe you're getting a divorce

Miley: Gee thanks.

Noah: Sorry but it's true

Miley: Sometimes you should keep the truth to yourself. Bye.

Noah: I'm sorry. And bye

Then I rolled my eyes and put my phone down. A little while later Liam got back. By the time Jessica was in bed and it was time for us to go to bed, I gave Liam blankets and a couple pillows for the couch.

"Why can't I just sleep in our bed with you?" He asks.

"Liam, we're getting a divorce. And I sleep naked. I don't think it's good for you to see me naked right now. You'll just wanna get back together with me."

"I never said I was over you."

"Liam. Please, just-"

"I know, I know. Goodnight." Then I nod.

"Goodnight." Then I go back into the room and undress after I shut the door. Then I get in bed. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed.

Noah is right. We were like the best couple. We were cute. And yes, Liam is and probably always will be the love of my life. Who knows if I will ever get over him. I know he can't get over me. But will he? All I know is right now I'm not quite over him yet...

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