Bad Blood

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May 14th, 2020
Miley's POV

"Worst and longest two minutes of my life." I mumble.

I picked up the test and looked at it with one eye open. My eyes grew wide when I saw the result. I couldn't believe it.

"Negative." I whisper to myself. I sigh with relief and a tear rolls down my cheek. This might have just saved Liam's and my marriage. I think to myself. I can't believe this happened. Why have I been throwing up then? What's wrong with me? I sighed again, and threw away the test. I walked out and looked at Jessica. I picked her up and sat her on the couch with me.

"Hi." Jessica says, which makes me smile. I know she's cute, and babies are. And she'd be thrilled to have a little sister or brother. But I can't get pregnant right now.

"Hi Jessica. Don't worry, I've been throwing up because I'm not feeling good. I'm okay though, kay?"

"Okay mommy." She says, nodding. Then I kiss her cheek and sigh.

"I wonder when daddy is gonna be back." I say, then close my eyes. What if he left because he thinks I'm pregnant? No, no, he didn't leave. Don't think like that Miley. He's filming. He'll be back. "Hopefully soon, huh Jessy?"

"Yeah." Then I smile again.

A few hours later, Liam came back. He walked in the door and I stood up with Jessica in my arms. He looked furious the minute he saw me. I don't blame him. I'd be mad too if my wife hid a possible pregnancy from me. Hopefully he'll forgive me. I'm hoping he will now that the pregnancy test is negative. He'll want proof, so I kept the test, just in the garbage at the top.

"Miley." Liam says, irratated.

"Hi..." I say, nervous. "Um, I took the test. It was negative."

"Why don't I believe you?"

"Liam, I don't know why. But you have to because it is." Then I put Jessica down and walk into the bathroom. I take out the test and walk back to the living room. I hold the test so Liam can see it, and I sigh. "See? Negative."

"Good. I'm glad it's negative." He snaps.

"What the fuck? What could be so bad if I really was pregnant?"

" don't get it. Right now with my movie, your album. We're too busy. And to be honest-- I don't want anymore. I thought it would be nice. Having a little baby, watching it grow."

"So what? You don't like babies?" I ask, tears filling my eyes.

"No Miley. Not anymore. All Jessica has done is get in our way. We've fought and almost divorced because of the stress. She's just too much sometimes. And to be honest-- it's only gonna get worse as she gets older. She'll constantly be wanting something. "Mom can I have this can I have that". I don't want or need that, Miley. Sometimes...she's just too much." Then I start to cry.

"Then admit it Liam. Admit the fact you never wanted her."

"Fine. Maybe I would've wanted her later. Like, after all of this. I wish you hadn't gotten pregnant when you did. I wish it would've came later. So yes, I guess I do regret it. I don't regret her. I just regret having her when we did. We could've just gotten married like normal and then had a baby a few years later. Like I wanted." He says with no emotion, making me feel horrible.

"Liam how could you say that?"

"Miley, I don't think this is working..."

"What isn't working?" I ask, getting choked up, trying not to cry even harder than I am. I'm waiting for Liam to say something nice and wipe my tears, but it hasn't happened yet.

"Our relationship. I think we should take a break. I'm sorry Miley."

"No you're not. If you were sorry you wouldn't have said all of that. And you wouldn't wanna "take a break". If you wanna take a break so bad...make it permanent." I say, being completely serious.

"No, Miley. C'mon you don't mean that."

"Yes I do. As much as you mean you regret Jessica." Then he goes in to hug me but I push him away.

"Miley. Miley please." He begs. I walk into Liam's room and start packing the bags. After they were packed, I took them into the living room. I picked up Jessica and Liam sighed. "Miley..."

"Say bye to daddy, Jessica." I say, then hand Jessica to Liam.

"Bye daddy." Jessica says, smiling. She doesn't realize it, but...Liam and I are over. It hurts me, but it has to happen. I can't live with him knowing he regrets his own daughter.

"Bye Jessy." Liam says, getting choked up. "You be good for mommy, okay?" Then Jessica nods. Liam hands me Jessica and I walk out the door.


"I'll help with the bags." Then he grabs the bags and walks behind me. I get to the car and put Jessica in the carseat. Liam puts the bags in the car also and shuts the door. "I'll drive you to the airport. Wait do you have tickets even?"

"Uh...yeah...I was planning on leaving so I bought tickets a while ago. Sorry." I say, then he sighs.

"Don't be sorry. Get in." The we get in the car.

When we got to the airport Liam helped me with the bags and everything. We said goodbye, and he hugged Jessica again. I held back my tears that we're about to burst out of my eyes. Liam left, and I sat on the bench, waiting for my flight. When it was finally time, I boarded the plane with jessica. I was shaking, wishing it wasn't this way. It was really, truly happening. And I couldn't and didn't wanna believe this whole thing. It feels like it should be a nightmare. But it wasn't. Liam and I were really getting a divorce for real this time...

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