Every Rose Has its Thorn

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October 22nd, 2020
Miley's POV    

I just got home from the hospital. Tyler was nice enough to drive me home. He stayed at the hospital with me, so Jessica could be with me too. When I walked in the house, I went into my room and changed into different clothes. Then I changed Jessica into new clothes too. I walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch. Tyler sat next to me on the couch, and I sighed.

"You didn't have to stay there with me." I say.

"Jessica wanted to stay with you. So, I stayed. That way I could watch her."


"No problem. And sorry I fought with Liam." He apologizes.

"No, don't apologize. He pushed you. And he pushed you into me."

"I still kinda feel bad."

"Don't worry about it. Um, Liam just texted me." I reply.

"He's coming over." Tyler assumes.


"Okay. I'd better go then."

"Thanks again." I say. Then I lean in and kiss him. "Sorry our pizza date got ruined."

"It's fine. Another day. Just text me." Then I nod, and he kisses me back. "Bye." Then he stands up, and I stand up next to him.

"Bye." Then he leaves.

"Mommy are babies okay?" Jessica asks, walking over to me.

"They're okay. I just fell and they started moving more." I say, reasurring her.

"Okay." Then she goes back to her toys to play.

I was about to sit back down when the doorbell rang. I sighed and walked to the door. I opened it, and Liam was standing there.

"What?" I ask.

"May I please come in?" Then I motion for him to come in. He sits on the couch, and I sit next to him.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Liam?"

"Will you please hear me out?" He begs.


"Look, I'm sorry. I feel horrible for what I did. I didn't mean to knock you down. I pushed him because...I guess I got a little jealous. I know it's okay for you to start seeing other people. I just...I can't get over the fact you're pregnant with my babies, and we're divorced. So I can't see them as often as I should be able to. I know I did a lot of stupid things in the past. I know I was wrong to fight with him, especially with you right there, you being pregnant. And Jessica. I shouldn't have with her in the house. She doesn't need to see anything bad like that. I know it'll probably be hard, but can you please forgive me?"

"Liam. You put me and the babies in danger, and Tyler didn't even do anything to you. So we kissed. So what? It's my life. You can't come into my life, and try to change it however you want it to be. I don't understand why you had to do that. Whether you were jealous or not, that was way over the line." I say.

"Miley I'm sorry, I really am. How can I make it up to you?"

"By not getting jealous just because I'm seeing someone else. By caring about my feelings. By caring about Jessica."

"I do care about your feelings and Jessica." He replies.

"No, you don't. If you did, you wouldn't get jealous just because I'm seeing someone else. And you wouldn't fight with someone with Jessica in the same house if you cared about her."

"Miley, I honestly do care about you two. I love you two so much. I got jealous for crying out loud. Everyone does sometimes. I'm sorry that I'm human. Miley, I love you two. And these babies."

"What the hell then?" I ask. "You were loving on my stomach and talking to them, then you put them in danger."

"I didn't mean to." Then I tear up.

"Liam...I'm sorry. I know you didn't mean to. But, you gotta control your temper."

"Don't cry." Then he wipes my tears away. "I'm so sorry. Look, how about I take you and Jessy to lunch or something? Are you hungry?" Then I nod.


"Well, how about lunch then?" He asks.

"Okay. I won't say no to free food right now." Then he laughs. "C'mon Jessy, wanna go eat some lunch with daddy?" I ask Jessica.

"Yeah!" Then she runs to Liam and he stands up to pick her up. Liam helps me up and I grab my phone.

"I'll drive." He says.

"Oh yeah, you still have Jessica's carseat in your car."

"How else would I buckle her in?"

"Okay, sorry." I apologize. "Let's go."

When we got to the pizza place, we got sat down and Liam ordered. While we were waiting for the pizza, Liam was letting Jessica play a game on his phone.

"So, this Tyler guy...is he nice to you?" Liam asks me.

"Liam..." I whine. "I don't wanna talk about this right now."

"I wanna know what kind of guy you're dating. I still care about you, ya know."

"I know, Liam. I know."

"So? Is he nice? Is he nice to Jessy?" He asks.

"Yeah, he's really nice. He respects to only call her Jessy when he really gets to know us. He's taken me out. He respects boundaries. He's hugged me and stuff, but the only times he and I have kissed is when you came over, and earlier today before he left. That's it. He's respected the fact I don't wanna go too fast. He is a really nice guy."

"Good. I want you to be happy."

"Thank you. It means a lot to me that you would say that." I reply, then he nods.

"It hurts to say it, but...I do. I want you to be happy. I want Jessica to be happy. Because I love you both." Then I smile and I nod.

After the pizza came, we ate. Then Liam took Jessica and me home. When we got back home, Liam said goodbye to Jessica and me, then left. I'm glad he apologized the way he did. I'm not so mad at him anymore. He's fine now. And I'm glad he's starting to accept Tyler. I just hope when the babies come he won't get all possessive of them. 

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