Sunday Morning

139 4 0

May 12th, 2020
Miley's POV

4 AM

I woke up and rushed to the bathroom. I got on my knees and threw up in the toilet. It lasted probably a solid five minutes before I stopped. I rinsed my mouth out and went back to bed. I tried to sleep but I couldn't get back to sleep. I couldn't turn my brain off. I lied in bed for probably an hour or so before I could finally fall asleep again.

6:30 AM

I woke up and rushed to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet again. I got up after I was done and rinsed my mouth out.

"Hey, you okay?" Liam asks, walking in the bathroom.

"I'm fine. Sorry I woke you up. I know you need your sleep." Then he kisses my head.

"It's okay, Miley. I woke up when you were throwing up around 4 AM too."

"I feel bad." Then he wraps me in a hug, and kisses my cheek.

"Well don't feel bad, it's okay. I'm gonna have to be ready to go soon anyway." Then he yawns.

"See? You're tired. I feel like shit for waking you up. And because I keep vomiting." Then I sigh. "I'm gonna go back to bed."

"Okay, get some sleep." Then he kisses my forehead and I walk back to bed. I crawl into bed and shut my eyes. Thankfully this time I fell asleep faster.

When I woke up I looked at the clock. It was about 7 AM. I got up and went into where Jessica was sleeping. She was still sleeping so I went and made Liam's and my bed. I wanted fruit so I just got fruit out of the fridge, cut some up, and put it in a bowl. I put the extra back in the fridge and sat at the table. After I was done eating I cleaned everything up. I went to check on Jessica and she was just waking up. I smiled and walked into the room.

"Hey sleepy head. You're finally up." Then she smiles at me.

"Where daddy?"

"He's at work baby. He'll be back soon though Jessica." Then I sit on the bed and put her on my lap.

"Daddy." She whines.

"I know, I know. But he's at work. I can't make him come home. But he will okay?"

"Okay mommy." Then I stand up with her in my arms.

"Want some fruit? I cut up some fruit. That's what mommy ate."

"Yes." She says. Then I smile and put her on the living room floor. I went into the kitchen and got her a bowl of fruit. I put it on the floor in front of her and sat next to her.

While she was eating I was texting Katie.

Katie: So how's it going over there? Is he okay? Like...cheating wise?

Miley: I'm here and he's fine. He said he's been going to parties and drinking. But only a little at the parties. And I said it was okay because I've went to parties and came home shit faced and he's let it go. So it's fine with me

Katie: Well that's good. I'm glad he isn't cheating! You were really worried about that. And I was too. So when you coming home?

Miley: I don't know. Soon maybe. Liam had a couple days off so now he's working again. But I'm thinking I should go home soon

Katie: Why?

Miley: I think I'm coming down with the flu or something. I don't wanna get Liam sick

Katie: Oh that sucks. Yeah you don't want him to get sick

Miley: I know. I'll probably head home tomorrow. Jessica wants to hang out with Liam more so we'll stay til tomorrow

Katie: Sounds good

Miley: How's the house sitting going?

Katie: Easy cause no animals haha

Miley: Yeah. It was hard giving them up, but we figured it was for the best with Jessy here now

Katie: I'm sure. Well I gotta go, I'll leave you and Jessica alone for Liam. Well, when he gets back

Miley: Okay. Thanks again for watching the house

Katie: No problem! I'm glad I could :) bye

Miley: Bye

When I put my phone down Jessica was finishing up her fruit. When she was done I cleaned her bowl up. I picked Jessica up and took her to Liam's and my bed. I put her on the bed and sat down next to her. I admired the room. It wasn't too big, but it wasn't too small. I liked the house Liam was staying in too. It was a smaller house, with only two rooms. A small living room and small kitchen. Two bathrooms. It didn't have much of a yard but that was okay. I lied down on the bed and Jessica joined me.

"Are you gonna take a nap with mommy?" I ask Jessica.

"Yeah." She says with a smile. Then I close my eyes and fall asleep.

12 PM

I woke up and ran to the bathroom. I started throwing up into the toilet and felt horrible. I felt like I was puking my guts out. It felt like I couldn't stop. I wanted to though. I probably puked for a good five to seven minutes. I heard the bathroom door open up about half way from where it was cracked.

"Mommy?" Jessica asks, worried. I flushed the toilet and stood up. I rinsed my mouth out really well with mouthwash and turned to her.

"Hi. It's okay Jessica, mommy will be okay. I'm just not feeling good. Okay?"

"Okay mommy." Then she walks out. I follow her and get back in bed.

"Wanna get back to your nap?" Then she nods. I get out of bed and pick her up. Then I put her in bed and lie next to her. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Hopefully when I wake up Liam will be back. I hope I won't be sick for too long. And I hope I can see Liam more before Jessica and I both leave...

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