My Dilemma

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May 21st, 2020
Miley's POV

"Um- wh- what's that sound? I mean it- it's different than when I was pregnant with Jessica." I say confused.

"Yeah. It's two heartbeats." Then my heart stops.

"What?" I ask, trying not to pass out from the shock.

"You're having twins." Dr. Walsh says, then my eyes grow wide.

"Wait...what do you mean by I'm having twins?"

"You're pregnant with twins. I guess that deserves a double congratulations." Then she takes the wand out and I sit up.

"Are you sure?" I ask, my heart racing fast.

"Positive. Two heartbeats equals two babies. Any other questions?" She replies.

"Um, how far along am I?"

"You're about twelve weeks along." Then I sigh.

"What about prenatal vitamins? And is there anything wrong with the babies?"

"There's nothing wrong with the babies. But you should definitely start taking your prenatal vitamins though." Then I let out a sigh of relief.

"So um...twins?" I ask, trying not to cry.

"Twins." Dr. Walsh confirms.


"Any other questions Miley? You seem like something is bothering you."

"Yeah, um. Katie?"

"Hmm?" Katie asks me.

"Will you um, leave us two? I have a question but it's kinda personal."

"Of course. I'll be out in the waiting room." Katie says, then gives me a small smile before leaving.

"Is there something on your mind?" Dr. Walsh asks me.

"Yeah, um. A question I don't want anyone else to hear but you. This is all confidential right?"

"Everything that happens in this room is between you, me, and whoever is with you. But right now it's just between us. Unless you're going to hurt yourself, or someone else."

"No, no no no. I don't wanna hurt myself or anything."

"Okay, so what's your question?" She asks me. Then I take a deep breath.

"C- can abortions be done with...twins?" I stutter. I couldn't believe I was even asking this question. I had to ask, though. I need to know my options. Then Dr. Walsh sighs.

"Yes, twins can be aborted. And only one can also be aborted, leaving you still pregnant with the other." Then I tear up. I can't even believe I was even thinking this.

"Um...wh- what's the deadline for abortions again?"

"You can abort from week six to week sixteen."

"Um- I don't know if I should."

"Miley, this is all up to you. I can't tell you whether or not to get one. The only thing I can tell you is that if your health is at risk while being pregnant, I would suggest it." She says, then I frown.

"What do you think? Where do you stand on abortions?" I ask her.

"I won't tell you, or anyone, how I feel about abortions. It would influence you whether or not to get one. Say, if I was for them, you'd feel it was okay. If I wasn't for them, you'd feel bad for making me do this. Miley, this is what I signed up for. I'm not telling you whether or not to get one. Like I said; it's completely up to you." Then she shakes her head. "Just do pros and cons is what I'd say. Pros of having twins, cons of having twins. That's all I can say."

"Well...I uh, I don't know what to do." I say, starting to tear up again.

"You don't have to make this decision today. You can think about it. You've got four weeks. But I'd say the sooner the better." Then I nod.

"Okay, thank you."

"No problem, Miley. Just give us a call and make an appointment if you choose abortion. If not, I want to see you in four weeks for another check up. You don't have to make an appointment, unless you choose not to abort. Alright?"

"Sounds good." Then she leaves. I get dressed, and walk into the waiting room where Katie was waiting for me.

"Hey, ready to go?" She asks.

"Yup, let's go."

When we get into the car, it was pretty quiet. I didn't wanna say anything, I needed to decide on my own. But maybe it isn't such a bad idea to get a second opinion. From Katie that is, because she knows how I feel at the moment. And I know she'd give me good advice. When we got to my parents' house, I got out to get Jessica. I walked to the door, and rang the doorbell. Soon Noah answered and smiled.

"Hi Miley." Noah says, then I smile a fake smile.

"Hi. I hope she was good. Was she?" I reply, trying not to tear up.

"She was great." Then she smiles. "What's wrong?" She immediately asks.

"Nothing, what would be wrong? I trust you with Jessy, I had something to do, I come back to you and Jessica when she seems fine. Nothing is wrong." I say, nervous. Then she raises an eyebrow.

"Okay." She says, not believing me when I say nothing's wrong.

"Noah, can I just have Jessica back?"

"Fine, fine. Here she is." Then Noah hands me Jessica. "Hopefully I can see you again. And not just for a few minutes and to take care of my neice. I love doing it, I just wanna spend time with my sister too ya know."

"I know, Noah. Sorry for dumping her on you at the last minute."

"It's fine, I just said I like watching her."

"Okay, good." Then I sigh. "I'd better get home. I'm hungry."

"Alright, see ya later. Oh! Tell Liam I say hi." Then I almost tear up, but I stop myself. I smile a fake smile, and nod.

"Will do." I reply. She shuts the door and I walk to Katie's car. I put Jessica in her carseat and get in the passenger seat.

When we got back home, I got out and Katie grabbed Jessica so I could unlock the door. We walked in and I put Jessica on the living room floor and gave her toys to play with. I put my keys and phone on the coffee table, and sat on the couch. I put my face in my hands and started to cry my eyes out. Katie sat next to me and sighed.

"Miley, I know it's hard. It's gonna be. But I know you can get through this." She says, trying to cheer me up.

"No Katie, that's not it. I'm not only crying because I'm pregnant. I'm crying because of the question I asked Dr. Walsh."

"Wanna tell me? If you don't want to, that's totally fine with me."

"Katie...I wanna get an abortion."

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