Almost There

136 6 0

November 13th, 2020
Miley's POV

4 PM

I've been in the hospital now for a little over three hours. No improvement yet, still at one centimeter. I was getting annoyed. I didn't get the epidural yet, I was gonna see how fast this would go. Apparently it isn't going super fast, so I'm going to get it in a little while. Noah was still here with me, which I was happy about. Liam texted me a few minutes ago, asking how I was doing. I told him and he said it must suck. Definitely.

"If you wanna go home if it's really late, you can. It isn't going too fast. So I'm assuming it'll be a while. So, if it's super late I'm okay with you leaving. You need your sleep." I say to Noah.

"It's fine, Miley. I wanna stay."

"Are you sure? Because if-"

"Miley." She says, interrupting me. "I'm staying. I can sleep on this chair if I need to. I'm staying because you need support."

"Okay...fine." Then she smiles. "What are you smiling about?"

"I'm just excited. I get to meat my new nieces or nephews. Or one of each. Either way I get to meet them and I'm happy about that. I'm super excited."

"I'm excited too. But, I can't help but wonder why I went into labor this early. I hope there's nothing wrong with the babies..." I say.

"I doubt anything is wrong. They're probably just way too anxious to meet you, like how you're anxious to meet them."

"You're probably right." After I said that, Dr. Walsh walked into the room with someone.

"Hi Miley." Dr. Walsh says. "This is the anesthesiologist that'll be giving you the epidural." Then I sit up.

"Thank God you're here. It's hurting pretty bad." I say.

"Okay, go ahead and sit up and lean forward a bit." The anesthesiologist says. "I'm going to clean your lower back, numb it, and put the catheter inside your back using a needle. It sounds painful but it isn't too bad." He says, then I nod.

Then I lean forward and he cleans my lower back, then numbs it. I felt a little bit of it, but not a lot. After he was done, I sat back and he went to the doorway.

"If it wears off and you need more I can come back, just let someone know." Then he leaves.

"While I'm in here let's see how dilated you are." Dr. Walsh says.

"Okay." Then I spread my legs and she puts gloves on, then puts her hand inside me. When she takes her hand out, she smiles.

"You're three centimeters dilated." Then I sigh in relief.

"Thank God." I say, then she throws her gloves away.

"I'll be back later. If you need anything or if you feel like something's wrong, call me in."

"Thanks." Then she nods with a smile before leaving.

"Hey, that's an improvement over one." Noah says, smiling. Then I grab my phone. "Are you gonna text Liam to tell him?"

"Yeah, he wants updates every so often." I reply.

Miley: Hey Liam

Liam: Hey. Anything new?

Miley: Eh, not really. But I'm dilated three centimeters now

Liam: That's good! How much longer do you think?

Miley: I don't know. Hopefully not too long

Liam: Well I'm hoping that too. I wanna meet these babies so bad

Miley: Not as much as me. And besides, I just want them out!

Liam: Lol I'm sure. Jessy says hi to you and Noah

Miley: Tell her hi back. Oh I got the epidural by the way

Liam: Do you feel better? Did it hurt?

Miley: I kinda feel better. And it didn't hurt too bad. They numbed it

Liam: Oh good. Well I'm gonna go. Jessica needs dinner

Miley: Okay bye

Liam: Bye

"So what did he say?" Noah asks.

"He asked if there was anything new, then said it was good that I was at three centimeters. Then he said that Jessica says hi to you and me."

"Oh. Well he's caring."

"I know. The contractions aren't as bad lately. I just want this over with." I reply.

"I'm sure you do."

"If only it could hurry the hell up."

10 PM

"Uhg, Noah." I whine. "They're still not here."

"Hey be grateful you're now eight centimeters. Not three." She has a point. I'm now eight centimeters dilated.

"Okay fine, you have a point. But I don't care, I want them out now."

"Maybe they can't decide who should come out first." Noah says, then I glare at her. "What?"

"I don't know. I just hurt and I'm just so done with being in labor." Then I wipe my tears away from my eyes. "I'm so sick of being pregnant and in labor."

"I know. I mean, I don't know, but I know. Like, I don't know what you're going through, but I know what ya mean."

"I get it." I snap, then she looks at me with a frown. "Sorry. I'm's so annoying. I want them out so fucking bad. I guess I have to look at it positively. I'm eight centimeters. Two more to go." Then Noah nods.

"There ya go. So, is Liam gonna come tonight if you have them tonight? Or is he gonna wait until tomorrow?"

"Probably just gonna wait til tomorrow. It's already past 10:00. Jessica is in bed, and he's probably just hanging out at my house."

"Your house?" She asks, confused.

"I said to have her there since all of her stuff is there. So she could play and stuff. And because my keys are in my house and so Liam can open the door for me."

"Oh. Well that makes sense."



"You look tired. Are you sure you don't wanna go home?" I reply.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?"

"No, I'm just saying. You seriously do look tired. I don't wanna keep you from sleeping."

"No, Miley. I'm fine, and I will be fine. I wanna be here for my sister. I love you. Just let me be here for you, please." She says, then I sigh.

"Okay, okay. Fine. You can be here for me. But I just don't want you losing sleep because of me."

"I'd be happy to lose sleep over you. Didn't you hear me? I wanna be here for you and I love you. If that means losing sleep then dammit I'll lose sleep."

"Geez. So, what do you plan on doing now since you're staying here?"

"I figured I could just talk to you." She says.


"You don't wanna talk to me?"

"No no, it isn't that. I'm just...I'm super tired. I kinda can feel my contractions but not too bad. I was hoping I could get some sleep. Dr. Walsh was in here not too long ago so she probably won't be back for a while. That's why I was hoping I could get some sleep." I answer.

"Oh, that's fine. I can just go down to the cafeteria and get something to eat, then come back up and text Liam or something. I'm sure he's awake."

"Thanks." Then she smiles.

"Get some sleep. See ya later." Then she leaves. I lie back and close my eyes. I don't think it was too long before I fell asleep, because it felt like Noah had just left not too long ago.

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