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April 2nd, 2020
Miley's POV       

"Hey Miley." Liam says, walking in the door. He was out getting groceries, and I was at home with Jessica.

"Hi." Then I get up and walk over to him. I greet him with a kiss, then grab some of the bags from him. "Is there more?"

"Yeah, I'll go get them." Then he leaves. When he comes back he walks in with more bags. I was in the kitchen with the bags.

"That it?" I ask him.


"Okay." Then we finish putting the groceries away. When we were done, I walked up close to him and he embraced me in his arms.

"How's Jessica?"

"She's good." I answer. Then he kisses me passionately on the lips.

"That's good. Where is she?"

"In her room playing. I'm gonna make her lunch soon." I say after we break away.

"Oh I have a question."

"What's that?" Then he walks me to the couch. "What's wrong?"

"You never told me how it went at the doctor." Then my eyes widen. Shit.

"Oh, uh, yeah."

"How'd it go? Did they give you anything for you being sick? You're still throwing up."

"Oh uh, yeah. No. They said it was just a bug. I should be over it soon." I lie.

"Okay..." He says, looking at me with an eyebrow raised.


"Nothing, you just lately."

"Well I uh, I'm fine. It's probably just the bug kicking my ass."

"You sure you're okay? Anything you'd like to talk to me about?" Then I shake my head.

"I'm fine, Liam. Really."

"If you say so. But if you need anything I'm here, you know that."

"I know, you're my husband." Then he kisses me.

"I love you." Then I smile, and he kisses me again.

"I love you too. Liam?"


" would you think...what would you think if I was...if I got pregnant?" I ask, and immediately regret my question after it left my mouth. Liam's eyes grew wide, and if smoke could come from his ears like in the cartoons it would've.

"What?" He asks, sounding mad. "Are you trying to tell me, you are? Is this why you just said the doctors said it was just a bug? Are you lying?"

"Liam no no no. I just asked. The thought crossed my mind, because I've been throwing up. I didn't know..."

"Did you like, take a test? I thought you went to the doctor."

"I did go. And no I didn't take a test." I lie. I hated doing it, but I didn't want him thinking too much. "But seriously, what would you think?"

"No, Miley. No. I can't handle that. I'm sorry, but I don't want another kid. One is enough. I know you want a bigger family. But I'm not ready. I'm probably gonna want another one, but only one more. And not for a while."

"Okay." I say quietly.

"What? Are you?"

"No, Liam. I'm not. So stop worrying about it!" Then I get up. I walk to Liam's and my room and slam the door. I sit on our bed and lie on my stomach, crying. I hear the door open, and feel someone sit on the bed.

Good & BrokenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora