The Only Hope For Me Is You

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March 25th, 2020
Miley's POV

We filed for divorce and got everything set up, now we just have the court date. Which is today. We finalize the details on who gets custody of Jessica, who gets the house, and we sign the final papers that we want the divorce. Liam and I both decided since Liam leaves for movies it'd be best if I had full custody. We also decided it would be fair for Liam to have Jessica for the weekends. Liam agreed that I can keep the house, but he'd be taking the stuff that he bought for himself. He's letting me keep the bed and TV, and even the couch. I just think it's because he wants me to not wanna get the divorce. He needs to realize it has to happen. But I do still love him. I don't think I'll ever get over him. I have to just be strong during the court session. The court date is today, so I was getting Jessica ready to go. I dressed her in a pink shirt and purple pants. I grabbed my phone and keys and headed out the door. I was meeting Liam there, I didn't wanna ride with him, it's just too hard. For both of us. I buckled Jessica in her carseat and shut the door. I got in the driver's seat and buckled myself up. I started the car and started driving to the courthouse.

When I got there, Liam was waiting for me. We entered the room and took our seats. My heart was racing a million miles per hour. I was nervous.

"Please rise for Judge Matthews." Then everyone stands, and the judge walks in.

"You may be seated." The judge says, then everyone sits down. "Are the parties in the Cyrus/Hemsworth case ready?"

"We are your honor." Liam's attorney says.

"We are." My attorney says.

"I see we have set agreements already for both of you. Miley gets the house, and full custody of Jessica Mae Hemsworth?" Judge Matthews confirms.

"Yes, they have." My attorney says.

"And so this will be a short trial then. Liam, you do agree that Miley gets full custody of Jessica?" Then Liam looks over at Jessica and frowns.

"Yes, your honor." Then I tear up. Am I really taking away Jessica from him? He's her father, it seems unfair. But we both agreed on it.

"And she gets the house, correct?" The judge asks Liam.

"Yeah." Then Liam nods. I'm even taking away his house?

"And Miley, do you agree upon these terms?" Judge Matthews asks me.

"Yes." I say while nodding. I look over at Liam, and he was tearing up as well. He was trying to hide it, but I knew.

"So everything is set then. Now all that needs to be done is I sign a paper saying I grant this divorce, and you two sign it saying you agree to the terms." Then Liam and I both nod.

While the judge was signing the paper, Liam and I were waiting patiently to sign it. Then the judge handed me the paper. I took a pen, and my hand was shaking. I placed the top of the pen on the paper.

"Wait." I say, then put the pen down. I looked at Liam, then Jessica, then Liam again. "I can't do this."

"Can't do what?" Judge Matthews asks.

"Sign. I can't take away Jessica from Liam. I can't take his house." I answer, starting to cry.

"Do you want to set different terms then?" The judge asks. Then I pick up Jessica from my attorney, who was currently holding her because I was signing the paper.

"Yeah. I do wanna set different terms." Then Liam raises an eyebrow. I look at him, then at Jessica again. I kiss Jessica's head, and sigh.

"Well, what are they? We'll have to set another court date."

"No, Judge Matthews. We don't. I want different terms, meaning I want Liam. I can't do this." I say, still crying. "I love him. And that'll never change. Ever." Then Liam smiles.

"Well if you're positive you want to end this, we can. But if you decide otherwise in the near future we have to do it all over again." Then I nod.

"I know. And I'm positive. I still love Liam. I always have, and always will." Then I look at Liam and smile. He was also smiling.

"Well, I guess this court session is over." Then I walk over to Liam with Jessica and kiss him passionately on the lips. I gave him Jessica, and he kisses her forehead.

"Well, you may go." Then I walk out with Liam and Jessica, completely forgetting about our attorneys.

Liam got in his car and I put Jessica in mine. I got in my car and buckled up. I started driving back to Liam's and my house. When I got there, Liam was already there. I got Jessica out of the car and went into the house. I saw Liam on the couch, watching TV.

"Hey." Liam says, then stands up and kisses me passionately on the lips. I put Jessica down on the floor and Liam embraced me in his arms. Them I kissed him passionately on the lips back.

He deepened the kiss, and we started to make out. I took off Liam's shirt, and he tried to take off mine but I stopped him.

"What?" He asks.

"There's a child in the room. She needs toys to play with." Then Liam nods and goes and gets her toys. He puts some on the floor and he walks over to me again.

"We good now?" Then I nod.

"We're good."

Then he takes my hand and leads me to our bedroom. I get on the bed and he shuts the door. He takes off my shirt and I take off his pants, leaving him in his boxers. He takes off my pants, leaving me in my underwear. I took off his boxers and he took off my underwear. He got on the bed and we started to make out again. He pushed me on my back and kissed my lips, then my breasts. Then he started to lick my clit. I moaned in pleasure, so he took that as a sign to keep going. After a while of him licking me, I almost came, but he stopped. I sat up and pushed him on his back and I sat on top of his legs. I bent down and started to lick and suck his hard cock. He moaned and told me to keep going, so I did. After a while of me sucking on his cock, he almost came, but I didn't let him because he didn't let me. He started to sit up but I pushed him on his back. I positioned myself so my pussy was on his cock. Feeling his cock on my pussy made my pussy get even wetter than it was. I leaned down and kissed him on the lips. Then I sat up again. I slid his cock into my pussy and started to rock back and forth. He moaned and sat up, taking his cock out of my pussy. He moved me so my head was on the pillows and I was on my back. He opened my legs and put his cock in my wet pussy. He started to thrust in and out. I put my hands on his back, digging my nails into the skin on his back. I moaned, and he started going faster. He kept kissing me as his cock went in and out of my pussy. It didn't take us too long and we both came at the same time. He collapsed on the bed next to me and it took us a minute to catch our breath. I lied in bed when Liam got dressed and went to put Jessica down for a nap. He came back in and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I didn't realize he came out because I was already asleep before he came back.

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