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March 8th, 2020
Miley's POV      

12:45 PM       

It's almost time for Liam to show up. I was nervous to tell him. I didn't wanna say it, but I have to. I can't keep doing this. I looked at Jessica. She was playing on the floor. I teared up, knowing she won't be able to see Liam all the time like she is used to. She hasn't seen him in a long time, but once she sees him today she won't want him to leave.

"Momma." Jessica says to me, walking up to me. She saw I was tearing up.

"Hi. I'm okay, don't worry. You wanna see daddy?" Then she smiles.

"Yeah!" She says excitedly. Then there was a knock on the door. I got up and walked to the door. I opened the door and Liam stood there.

"Hi Liam." I say.


"Dada!" Jessica screeches, running over to him. Liam smiles and gets on his knees. Jessica runs over to him and he hugs her. He closes his eyes, and I see tears run down his cheeks.

"Hi Jessy." He says, trying not to cry too hard. Then he lets go of her. "Have you been good for mommy?"

"Yes." She answers. I sit on the couch, and watch their reunion. "Dada I miss you." Then she hugs him tight.

"I miss you too Jessy." Then I clear my throat.

"Uh...Liam?" Then he looks at me.

"Here Jessy, go play." Then Jessica goes over to her toys and sits on the ground with her toys.

"Um..." Then I stand up.

"Whatcha need Miley?" He asks, walking to me.

"Maybe...maybe you should uh, sit down." Then he looks at me confused, and sits on the couch. I sit next to him, and look at him with a frown. Here it goes...

"What's up Miley?"

"Liam...there's something I need to tell you. And you're not gonna like it. But I need you to not freak out because of Jessica."

"Is there something wrong?" He asks.

"Uh, yeah. Kinda. Okay..." Then I take a deep breath and exhale slowly. I look at him, and he looks scared. "Liam...I want- I want...a divorce." I say with tears rolling down my cheeks. He starts to tear up, then looks at Jessica.

"But- but Miley. What about Jessica? What about us?"

"There is no us Liam. That's just it. There isn't an us, there hasn't been an us for a while. I'm sorry. I wish it wasn't this way." I say, almost crying.

"It doesn't have to be this way, we can work it out."

"No, Liam. We can't. It's too hard. We just fight too much."

"What about Jessica?" He asks, more tears forming in his eyes.

"She'll be able to see you."

"So I take it you want custody?"


"Okay." He agrees. "But, as long as I get to see her."

"We can work it out so you can see her every weekend, if you want." Then he nods.

"Yeah, that sounds fine. You really won't give me another chance though, will you?" Then I shake my head.

"I'm sorry Liam, but no. I can't, it's just too painful. I can't keep doing this. It'll be better for both of us and Jessica if we just end it." I say, then he holds my hands.

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