Love Somebody

126 7 2

November 12th, 2020
Miley's POV     

"Hey." Emma says excitedly, walking into my house with August and Landin.

"Hi." I say with a smile, then hug her. "Jessy, Landin is here." I say, calling Jessica. She was in her room playing. Soon she came running out and to me.

"Hi Landin!" Jessica yells.

"Go play kids." Emma says, then Landin and Jessica run into Jessica's room.

"How are you both?" I ask.

"Oh, fine. Just impatiently waiting for the baby to arrive." Emma replies.

"She's impatiently waiting." August corrects. "I'm enjoying the quiet house...well, somewhat quiet house." Then I laugh, and Emma and I sit on the couch. August sits in the chair which was kind of across from the couch.

"How are you?" Emma asks me.

"I'm fine I guess. I can't believe in just two to four weeks I'm gonna have these babies. I can't believe I'm thirty-six weeks already. Time sure does fly."

"Don't be so nervous. It'll be okay. Liam will help out, right?" Emma asks, then I nod.

"He's gonna be here for a while, isn't he? Not going anywhere to film?"

"No. But August, he won't be here all the time." I say, then August and Emma nod.

"You have your family too. And us."

"Thanks Emma."

"No problem. I don't know what it's like to have twins, but I'm sure you'll do great." Emma says, then I hug her.

We were talking for a while, then there was a knock on the door. I got up and answered it, it was Liam.

"Hi." I say. "What's up?"

"Hey, I just came to pick up Jessy." He says.

"Shit. It's Friday. I was gonna take her to eat later. I totally forgot."

"Nah, it's fine. If you wanna drop her off tomorrow that's okay."

"Thanks." I say, then he nods.

"You're welcome. Hey August." Liam says, waving at August.

"Wanna come in? You guys can visit if ya want."

"Sure, if you don't mind." Liam says, then he walks in.

"We're gonna go into the kitchen to talk." August says, then he and Liam walk into the kitchen. I sit back down on the couch next to Emma.

"So, is the nursery done?" Emma asks.

"Yup. Everything is in there that needs to be in there, except for one thing."

"What's that?"

"The babies." I say, then she laughs.

"Right. That will complete the nursery. Ours is almost finished too."

"That's good. You're due...January 25th, right?"

"Yeah." She confirms. "In just a little over two months and August and I will have this one."

"Isn't it weird how fast time goes by?"

"Yeah, I can't believe it. It feels like I shouldn't be this far along."

"Same here." I say.

"I don't know August. It just doesn't seem right." I hear Liam say. "It's just all wrong. I said shit I didn't mean. I said I regret Jessica for crying out loud. I don't mean that."

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