It's My Life

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February 28th, 2020
Miley's POV    

Liam hasn't even attempted to come back. He still hasn't answered my texts, or calls. Which is kinda fine at this point. But when I do get a hold of him...I'm afraid I'm gonna have to say those horrible, dreadful four words...I want a divorce...I don't wanna say it. But the way it's been, I don't think I can handle this. It's just, it's just too much. I feel like once he comes back though he's gonna pull his prince charming shit and make me not wanna divorce him. He's done it before and I wouldn't be surprised if he did it now. I was currently lying in bed looking up at the ceiling. I couldn't seem to fall asleep. I looked at the clock, and it was almost midnight. I closed my eyes, and tried to fall asleep, but it just didn't happen. I unlocked my phone and looked at Instagram. I looked to see if Liam had posted anything. So far it was only a post from last week. It was a picture of him and August and the post said "hanging out with friends". At least he hasn't said anything about him and me being apart. That would be really bad. So far when paparazzi have asked about us not being together in public I've said we just have been doing different things. Thankfully they've just left it alone. Jessica still cries. I'm still pissed that I saw Liam with another girl. What if the paps saw them kiss?! What would've happened?! God it's like he doesn't think of anything or anyone but himself. And I've tried calling him more, and texting him. Just nothing but his answering machine and no response. Ugh I hate this.

Miley: Liam please talk to me. I need to talk to you about something. When you get this text please call me

Then I put my phone down and plugged it in to charge. I still was lying in bed, and I tried to sleep. Finally I closed my eyes and I was asleep.

March 3rd, 2019

I woke up to my phone alarm going off. I looked at the time and it was 9:25 AM. I got up and put a robe on. I walked into the kitchen and fed the animals, then walked into Jessica's room. She was still sleeping. I smiled looking at her cute little body lying still, asleep. She was cute. I couldn't believe Liam could walk away from this. From her. I walk into the kitchen again to get myself some breakfast. I just decided to eat some fruit. I wasn't all that hungry, and I didn't feel like cooking anything. I sat down and started to eat my fruit. I got about three bites in when I heard Jessica crying and calling "momma". I walked into her room and picked her up.

"Are you hungry?" Then she nods. "Here, I'll share with you." Then I walk to the kitchen, put her in her highchair, and sit in my chair.

I put a piece of strawberry on her highchair and she eats it. I put a few pieces of fruit on her highchair and let her eat them while I ate my fruit. When I was done eating, I gave Jessica some cereal and a kid's cup with juice in it. I walked into Liam's and my room to change. Once I was dressed I walked into the kitchen to find that Jessica was done eating.

"You were hungry huh?" Then she nods. "Are you full?"

"Yes." She answers in her Australian accent. I loved her accent, but it reminded me of Liam. I still loved it though, because I still love her and him.

"Okay. Let's get you dressed." Then I cleaned up her highchair and picked her up. I took her in her room and put her on the changing table. I put her in a yellow shirt and blue pants. I brushed her hair and put it in two ponytails. "You look so cute Jessy."

"Momma down." She says, pointing to the ground. I put her on the floor and walk out of her room.

"Are you coming or are you gonna play in there?" I ask her. Then she stands up. I walk into the living room and she follows me. I sit on the couch and take out my phone. I see that I have a few texts. They were from Noah.

Noah: Hey so have you heard anything from Liam yet?

Noah: Miley how are you doing? Everything going okay with you & Jessica?

Noah: Mileeyyyy shalloooo

I decided I should respond before she blows up my phone.

Miley: Dude Noah calm your shit. I was busy being a parent. & I'm fine & no I haven't heard anything from Liam. It's pissing me off bad

Noah: I'm sorry Miley :(

Miley: It's fine I guess. I just want him to come back, even if it's only to tell me why. And to tell me it's over...I don't wanna lose him. But it's better to know than to keep hoping when nothing is happening

Noah: You're right. I'm really hoping for yours and Jessica's sake he's gonna come back and not be an ass

Miley: Yeah I know. I don't want him to be an ass. I feel like I'll have to say those four dreadful words though...

Noah: And those would be...?

Miley: I want a divorce...

Noah: No Miley you gotta stay positive. You gotta work things out with him. Jessica needs her dad

Miley: I know, Noah. She needs her dad. But I just can't deal with him doing this

Noah: I just hope he'll come back and you guys can work it out

Miley: Me too. I'd better go. I need to take a shower. Talk to you later

Noah: K. Love ya Miley :)

Miley: Love you too Noah

Then I put my phone down. I got up and looked at Jessica.

"Jessy are you gonna play for a while?" I ask Jessica.


"Okay. Mommy's gonna take a shower. Kay?" Then Jessica nods. "Okay see you in a bit." Then I go into Liam's and my bathroom to take a shower.

After I was done with my shower, I dried myself off and got dressed. I walked into the living room to see what Jessica was doing.

"Hey Jessy I'm done with my-" Then I stop dead in my tracks. "...Liam...?"

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