
137 5 0

May 23rd, 2020
Miley's POV     

"Mommy I love you." Jessica says, crying. Then I hold Jessica's hand.

"I love you too Jessy." I say, then close my eyes again.

When I woke up, I was in the hospital. I was hooked up to different machines. I had an an IV in, there was an ultrasound machine next to my bed, and I kept hearing the beeps of the machines. The only thing I could think of right now was why I was here, Liam, and the babies. Are the babies okay? What about Liam? Why am I in the hospital? All different thoughts were racing through my head. I heard the door open, and I looked. It was Katie coming in with Jessica.

"Oh my god you're okay." Then she sighs a sigh of relief. "Every time I came in here you were sleeping."

"Mommy!" Jessica shouts. Then I motion for Katie to come and hand me Jessica. Katie walks to me, and puts Jessica next to me on the bed. "Are you okay mommy?"

"I'm fine, baby." Then I kiss her head. "Katie...what happened?"

"You don't remember?" Then I shake my head.

"I stopped you to ask why you were in such a hurry to go to Australia. You told me about Liam. The next thing I know you're falling, so I take Jessica out of your arms, set her down, and catch you before you hit the ground too hard. Then you passed out. Man I felt like a ninja."

"Wait...why'd I fall?"

"I don't know. And the doctors haven't told me anything. The jerks." Katie answers.

"How long have I been in here?"

"A little more than an hour. Maybe like one and a half to two."

"I- what's wrong with me?" I ask, then Katie shakes her head.

"I don't know. I don't know why you fell, or why you passed out, or anything."

"Where's my fam-" I start to say. Then a doctor comes in.

"Hi Miley, I'm Dr. Sanders." Then she shakes my hand.

"Uhm, hi."

"You had a pretty big fall is what your friend was telling me."

"What's wrong with me? Are my babies okay? Am I okay? Is everything gonna be okay?" I ask quickly.

"Miley..." No, I can't take any more bad news.

"Wh- what?"

"You fell because you were dehydrated, and there's nothing in your stomach. You got dizzy I'm sure. And from what Katie told me about Liam, I'm assuming you're stressed?" Then I nod slowly. "Well, I did an ultrasound while you were asleep." Then I tear up.

"What's wrong?"

"The heartbeats of the babies are very slow. They're supposed to be around one hundred and sixty beats per minute, but they're heartbeats are one hundred and thirteen beats per minute." Dr. Sanders answers.

"What does that mean?" I ask, getting worried.

"It means there is a chance of miscarriage, as soon as a week from now or even up until it's time for them to be born."

Then it hit me. I got upset, extremely upset. I don't know why, but now I all of a sudden actually wanted these babies. Is it because I had a change in heart? Is it because Liam is in the hospital? And I want to keep his babies because something might happen to him?

"M- miscarriage?" I stutter. "No. I can't. Is there a way to stop it?"

"I can't stop a miscarriage from happening. Neither can you. But there are some things you can do to raise the heartbeats."

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