
274 5 0

January 7th, 2020
Miley's POV

Liam has been gone for six days now. I didn't think he'd actually leave for this long. What if something happened? I'd feel horrible. I called him a horrible father. That's a shitty move. I can't believe I did that. I wish I wouldn't have said that. What if something happens though? I'd feel like it was my fault because I basically told him to leave and I called him a horrible father. What if he was too focused on us that he didn't pay attention and he got in an accident? No, it couldn't have happened. I'm his emergency contact for when he gets hurt, and he's mine. Unless he told the hospital not to call. No, stop it Miley. Stop thinking like that. Nothing bad happened. He's just at a friends or something. Maybe I should try to get a hold of him. I gave him almost a week, I need to know how he is doing. I grab my phone and sit on the couch. I looked at Jessica while I called Liam. I got his answering machine.

"Liam look, I'm sorry. We both said a lot of things we didn't mean. I'm feeling really horrible about it. I feel like a horrible wife. And I don't deserve a guy like you. You're too great for me. I can't even believe I said all of those things. Please call me back. I love you. Bye." Then I hang up, and start to cry.

"Momma." Jessica says, walking over to me. "Momma?" She asks.

"Hi baby."


"Momma is okay. She's just sad." I answer her.

"Dada?" Then I start to cry harder. I pick her up and put her on my lap. "Dada?"

"Dada left for a while baby, hopefully he'll be back soon." Then I kiss her head.

"Dada." She says, then starts to cry. It makes me cry even harder, seeing her cry. I drove away her father. How could I do that?

"I'm sorry Jessy. Hopefully he'll be back soon." Then she continues to cry. "Shh, it's okay baby." Then I kiss her head again.

"Momma dada."

"It's okay, he'll come back, dada will come back." I say, rocking her in my arms. I kiss her head again, and wipe hear tears. I put her on the floor so she was standing in front of me. "I promise dada will come back. He loves you very much and he will come back." Then I hold her hands.


"I love you baby." Then I kiss her lips. "He will come back soon." Then she nods.

"Momma." Then she points to her highchair.

"Are you hungry?" Then she nods. "Let's get you some food then." Then I pick her up and put her in her highchair, then I get a kid's cup and fill it with juice. I cut up some fruit and put it in a bowl. Then I get some pasta noodles and put those in a bowl. I give her the cup and her food, then sit in front of her.

"Doggie food?" She asks, pointing to Tani, who was standing by the highchair.

"No baby, no food for the doggie. You eat the food." Then she starts to eat her food.

After she was done eating I cleaned up her highchair and her face. Her clothes weren't a mess, but her face was. I put her on the floor and got myself some water. I sat on the couch and put the water on the coffee table. Jessica started to play with some toys and I got my phone out. I decided to send Liam a text.

Miley: Liam I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did. I shouldn't have did what I did. You're not a horrible father, but I'm a horrible wife for saying that. Please forgive me and come back. Jessy wants you. She needs you. I need you. Jessy even cried for you. I told her you were coming back. So please don't make me a liar and please come back.

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