Fallin' For You

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October 21st, 2020
Miley's POV

I got home from my doctor appointment and sat on the couch. Liam was with Jessica for a while so I could go alone. I couldn't believe I was already thirty-three weeks pregnant. In five to seven weeks I'll be bringing home two new babies. It's crazy. I've still been seeing Tyler. I haven't told Liam about him yet. I know I should, I just don't want Liam to be hurt. We aren't official or anything, but I kinda want it to be that way...is that bad? I mean I don't think so, I'm not with Liam anymore. It can't be bad. I was watching TV when my doorbell rang. I got up and walked to the door. When I opened it I smiled.

"Hi TJ." I finally started calling him TJ. I felt like I had to really get to know him first, which he was fine with.

"Hey. How was the appointment?" Then I motion for him to come in.

"It was fine." Then I shut the door. He sits on the couch and I join him.

"Just fine?" He asks.

"Well, same stuff happened. Except this time she told me I'll be getting Braxton Hicks soon. Around thirty-six weeks."

"What are those?"

"Basically practice contractions. To get everything ready for the actual labor." I explain.

"Oh, do they hurt?"

"Well they didn't really hurt when I was pregnant with Jessica. And I didn't have a lot. But, with twins it'll be different. At least that's what Dr. Walsh said."

"Well, hopefully they don't hurt too bad friend you." Then I sigh. "What's wrong Miley?"

"I'm just- I don't know. I'm scared."

"Why?" He asks, then I frown.

"I've never had twins before. I can't do this. Not twins. I wasn't even really ready for one more baby. And how will I take care of two newborns at once? Without Liam? He helped so much with Jessica, and she was an easy baby. I- I'm scared." Then he lifts my chin up.

"Look Miley, I know it'll be hard for you. I don't know what labor feels like, it probably hurts like hell. So I'm really sorry you gotta go through it with twins. But just know in the end you're getting two new babies. And they're gonna be cute as hell. Because you're cute as hell. And you will have Liam, just not twenty-four seven. But, you'll have me too this time."

"You'll help me?" I ask, then he nods.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I? You're an amazing, cute, talented, nice, caring person. You're amazing." Then he leans in to kiss me. I take a deep breath, and he kisses me passionately on the lips. I don't pull back, and let him kiss me. When we pull away, he looks at me confused. "You- you didn't pull away."

"Why would I? You're an amazing, caring, nice, cute guy." Then he smiles. "I'm kinda over Liam."

"I'm over my breakup too..." Then he pauses. "Do you- do you think it'd be inappropriate to ask you out?"

"Like on a date?"

"Yeah." He confirms.

"No, I don't think it'd be inappropriate at all. As a matter of fact, I would actually enjoy it." Then he smiles.

"Awesome. When and where?"

"Well, I'm free a lot. Depends on if you're free. I can get Liam to watch Jessica anytime, he loves to be with her." I reply.

"Well, I'm free tomorrow."



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