Little Wonders

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May 12th, 2020
Miley's POV       

10:30 PM      

Liam left a long time ago and still isn't home. I finally got Jessica to go to sleep around 8:30. She wasn't wanting to go to bed because Liam wasn't back. I told her she'd see him in the morning. So thankfully I got her to go to bed. A little while later I heard the door open. Liam came into the room and I looked at him with an irratated face.

"Hey." Liam says.

"Where were you?" I ask, folding my arms.

"There was a party-"

"Liam?! What the fuck? "There was this party"? Why did you go?"

"Miley it's okay. It wasn't a big one. Just a few people-" He starts to say, but I cut him off.

"I don't care if it was ten, or a hundred. You should've came back after filming. You know Jessica and I are leaving tomorrow. Why Liam? Why?"

"Miley I wanted to leave-" He says.

"Why didn't you then?"

"Would ya stop cutting me off? Maybe I could explain if you didn't."

"Whatever. Explain." I command him.

"I wanted to leave, really. But the guys wouldn't let me. They wanted me to stay. A bunch of guys got shit faced, so I had to drive them all home. I wasn't gonna let anyone that was drunk or high behind the wheel. When I was done driving everyone home I went to the persons house that had the party and helped clean up. It wasn't fair because he had to do it all alone because everyone else besides him and me got shit faced, so I helped him. I swear that's what happened, Miley." Then I sigh.

"Okay. I'm sorry, Liam. I just thought-"

"Thought I was cheating? My turn to cut you off. I wouldn't cheat. I saw what that does to you. And besides, we have a daughter. I don't want to split up with her here. I don't want her to wonder why her mom and dad split up, and why she has to be shared like a toy. I wouldn't ever cheat on you again. I promise, Miley. I do."

"Thank you." Then he walks towards me and embraces me, then kisses me passionately on the lips.

"Is Jessica sleeping?" He asks.

"Yeah, I finally got her to sleep around 8:30." Then I shake my head. "Liam, I was worried about you. I didn't want anything to happen. I didn't want-"

"Miley, everything's fine. I'm not cheating, I'm not drunk or high, I'm gonna be fine. Now, how was your day today?"

"I threw up a bunch. I felt like shit the whole day. I'm really sick." I say, then he frowns.

"You're staying."


"You're staying here. You're not leaving." He commands. "I won't let you."

"Why the fuck not?"

"Because, Miley. Look at how sick you are. I'm not letting you fly in that condition. You're not in anyway okay to be flying. You're real sick."

"That's dumb. I'm fuckin fine." I snap, getting irratated.

"No, Miley. You're not "fine". Besides, what's so bad about staying longer?"

"Nothing. I just wanna go home. I miss everyone."

"I do too. But I miss you and Jessy the most." Then he hugs me. "So I want you to stay. Because I miss you, and you're not in the shape to fly."

"I miss you too Liam, but..." Then I sigh,


"I just. I need to go home."

"Why?" He asks, confused.

"...nothing, never mind."

"C'mon Miley, you can tell me."

"Well...I-" Then I rush to the bathroom and throw up.

Liam comes into the bathroom and holds my hair back for me. After I was done, he helped me up and I since my mouth out with mouthwash. At this point I was throwing up so much, I wasn't throwing up anything at all. It was just dry heaves. Me not throwing up anything, but still doing the motion.

"Miley, you need to rest. Get in bed." Then Liam helps me into bed, and I cover up. I lied in bed for maybe only five minutes before I was asleep.

May 13th, 2020
Miley's POV
7 AM     

I walked out of the bathroom from throwing up again, and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Liam says. "Is Jessica still sleeping?"

"Yeah. Go ahead. I'm just gonna call up Katie and see how things are going."

"Kay, I'll be back."

"I'll be here." Then Liam kisses the top of my head and grabs clothes before going into the bathroom. I quickly grab my phone and dial Katie's number.

"Hello?" Katie answers.


"Yeah. What's up?"

"Uhm...I..." I stutter.

"Don't worry, the house is fine. Hey, aren't you leaving today and coming home?"

"No. Liam isn't letting me leave. But uh, that's not why I called."

"Then why'd you call?" She asks. "C'mon."

"You can't tell anyone about our conversation. Understand?"

"Okay, I won't. Now what's this about?"

"I'm vomiting a lot. It's really bad. Like, to the point where I'm in pain. My stomach is killing me." I explain.

"That's all? You called to tell me you're vomiting?"

"No, well, yes. But kinda no but kinda yes."

"Oh my god please start making sense." She whines.

"Okay. Liam doesn't know, but I've been thinking something. And uh, no one else knows. But you're about to. This is really hard for me to say. I don't know if it's true, but...I think I might be pregnant."

"Oh my god! That's awesome!"

"No Katie, it isn't. I can't be pregnant. Not now." I say.

"Do you know for sure?"

"No, I haven't taken a test yet. I'm scared, Katie."

"Don't be scared, it'll be okay. Even if you are, I'm sure Liam will support you." She says, reasurring me.

"Maybe. But what if he doesn't? What if he gets angry and- breaks up with me?" I reply, starting to cry. "This is all my fault. I don't know how it happened. We've used condoms."

"Condoms aren't 100% effective, Miley." Katie says, reminding me.

"I know. It's just. We've been so careful."

"I don't know what to tell you. I wish I knew how to help."

"I have no idea what to even do. I don't know anything right now. All I know is that I might be pregnant. I gotta go, Liam's gonna be done with his shower soon."

"Bye. Good luck with everything."

"Thanks, bye." Then we hang up. I put my phone down and lie on my back on the bed.

"You might be pregnant?" Liam asks. 


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